Chapter 29

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Hey guys !! here is a new chapter. Also, go check out my new story the perfect alien Nannie. :) 

Chris POV

Hanna hadn't messaged me since well after I go back from my book tour when we all got together, down at the park, though she was due, three months later. "Hey, have you heard Blake or Hanna?" I asked Melissa "yeah, why?" She replied "Oh she hasn't messaged me. Why?" She questioned "Chris Babe, she's just had a baby, its more work then you think?" Melissa told me. "I know I raised two of them," I said. "I know they are all good, they had a baby boy, Blake said that he would love the girls to meet their brother" she told me, I nodded "I don't want them to know about the pregnancy" she told me "Ok, well should I message her to see how she is and ask when she wants to see her girls and well Blake to see Elissa?" I asked, "yeah I mean he is two months old so she would probably be dying to get out of the house." Melissa told me. "Umm.. ok," I said and went on to write a text to my ex who I have two girls with.


Since it was the weekend and the girls had their baseball match on it was a good opportunity for Hanna and Blake to come down to watch their daughters play baseball.

It was the middle of the match when Hanna and Blake walked up to us, with a pram and their baby boy in Blakes' arms, him rocking his son. "Hey guys," Hanna said pulling up to us parking next to me. "Hey, Hanna," I said not knowing if I should hug her. She hugged me so I hugged her in return as she hugged Melissa and Blake hugged Melissa and then me. "Hi" we both replied, "The girls are out on the field they should be coming in for a break very soon," I tell them 

"Ok," she says. "This is Louis," Hanna said, as Blake turned him around. "Hey buddy," I say. "I'm I need to use the bathroom, sorry," Melissa said as he walked off. I sighed. "So how are you two going I saw the audition for AGT, Blake and I have been voting every week for her?" She asked as well as telling me. "Yeah good, well I think it's fair that she has some of the spotlights it was the girl's idea," I told Hanna Blake. "She is a good singer" Blake commented. I smile. "yeah" I replied, "Um is she ok?" Blake asked me "Um yeah I think nerves, as well as teaching, is getting to her," I said knowing it was to do with Blake and him holding his son. He nods and hands Louis off to Hanna. He knew that one of us meaning Melissa or me had to be with the girls as per the agreement we made up.

"Is Melissa ok?" Hanna asked me. I looked at her. "I think she's a little upset seeing him with Louis, with him not been there for Elissa and well having that miss carriage," I told her. He nodded.

The girls came racing over to us. "Where is mummy Melissa?" Emma asked taking a drink from her water bottle. They nodded and had a drink.

Melissa's POV

I see him holding his son, it makes me feel so upset, that it could have happened with Elissa, but he decided to ditch me and told me to get an abortion. I left the situation and went to the bathroom since our little peanut is pushing on my bladder. I go to the bathroom and then sit outside the bathroom on the bench watching the girls from afar. I see Blake hand his son over to Hanna and see him walking over to me. He sits down beside me. "I've known you much longer then he has Melissa, and I know something is on your mind," he tells me. I look down, I feel like I'm starting to tear up. "Seeing you with your son, it made me sad Blake, because Elissa never got that, I never got that. I mean I will always have you in my life because we had Elissa together, well I did, but.." I started "I'm sorry," he said blurting it out. I look at him, I shrug. "I guess its also to do with the miss carriage" I say, lying knowing that I'm also pregnant, and not wanting them to know. "I know, look I'm sorry that I've made you feel this way, and with Louis, I really want him to know his sisters" Blake told me. "Yeah, I think they would like that," I told them feeling like they would not want to spend time with me, even though our peanut will be here in well 8 months. "Do you want to go back?" he asked me. "Sure" I reply "Hey Melissa you will have another kid one day, you and Chris seem ready I mean you two have full custody of our kids," Blake told me extending his arms for a hug. I smiled and gave him a hug back.

As we walked back the girls were going back onto the field. I stood next to Chris giving him a hug as we watched the girls. "You ok?" He asked me I nodded "Melissa do you want to hold Louis?" Hanna asked me I nodded as she handed me, Louis. I looked at Chris, and he smiles he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

After the girls match we decided to go to a local cafe where we could all sit at a table. "So girls you played a good match today," Blake said smiling "Yeah, it was fun, thank you for coming," Elissa said "No worries" Blake replied, "Would you like to hold your brother?" He asked Elissa. She looked at me, I nodded "Ok can you sit on my lap and Hanna will hand him to you" he told her. Elissa sat on his lap, it melted my heart to see her sitting on her father's lap. Hanna stood up carrying Louis over to Blake. "Ok hold your hands out," Blake said helping her. Hanna placed her half baby brother in her arms, "Can I take a photo?" I asked Hanna said yes, took out my phone taking a photo of father and daughter with her half brother. I smiled, looking over at Chris he smiled too, soon we would have that, and I couldn't wait.

"So when do you want to see the girls again?" I asked Blake and Hanna. "Um well, we can do next weekend if that's ok? Can we come to watch up dance?" Blake asked "Really?" Elissa asked excited she has definitely warmed up to him, "yeah, I can bring Louis, maybe we could do this again if that's ok?" Blake asked happily "Yeah sure, that would be great," I said happily "Hanna can you come to watch your daughters dance?" Chris asked "Um I was thinking if Blake was taking Louis I might have the day off?  is, that ok girls? maybe I can come over during the week and see them all?" Hanna asked "Um sure, yeah that's fine," Chris said, more concerned. She nodded looking down. "Um Blake can I talk to you for a minute," I said "Sure" he replied as Hanna grabbed Louis out of his arms so Blake to come to talk to me.

When they were out of earshot, I had to ask him. "Is everything ok, you and Hanna?" I asked he looked down "Blake?" I asked again. "She wants to do a runner again, Melissa, I caught her a few nights ago with two bags, leaving me with Louis, to be honest If she did that I was going to drop Louis off at yours and do a runner too, but I don't want that I want to be a father, I mean I'm trying my best" he told me. "I know you are, I saw it today," I told him. I nodded, come on the weekend bring Louis, it's not my problem to tell Hana to be in Eliza and Emma's lives, I mean maybe you, but it's Chris issue, and I'll tell him, I know the girls will be upset, but I can't say anything because it's not my place" I tell Bake, he nods's "Come here" I say giving him a hug we go back to the table, where the girls are starting to get a little sleeping "I think we might go babe" Chris says "Sure, um see you next week Blake" I say "Bye Blake" Elissa says giving him a hug "Bye Elissa, can I give you kiss on the forehead" she nods smiling Blake gives her a kiss on the forehead,

Once we were in the car, the girls crashed, falling asleep before the car started.

"Is everything ok with Blake?" Chris asked I looked back at the girls who were fast asleep. "Hanna almost did a runner," I said quietly. He sighed "Blake is gonna come next week but I don't know about Hanna, I'm sorry," I say rubbing his shoulder. He looked at his girls in the revision mirror. "They have you and me, and I.. I'm sorry ... there not gravitating towards her" I said I hated it. "No it's ok, I think they afraid of getting hurt again by her," he told after that conversation, it was quiet, I have to admit I felt like I was going to fall asleep too. 

There you go I hope you liked the chapter 

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