Chapter 18

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Heads up, tough chapter ahead for Keef. May be triggering for some! I'll be as vague and subtle as I can. Thank you.


Torturous screams. Excruciating pain. Agonizing guilt.

This was my norm now.

How long has it been? Days? Weeks?

I was kept in the dark. I was tucked away in a stone cellar where no one would hear my screams, and if they did they didn't care.

My eyes so adjusted to the darkness around me stared blankly at the concrete floor. The stone walls prevented any form of light to shine through.

I didn't know if the sun or moon was in the sky. I didn't even even remember what the summer breeze felt like.

I took everything for granted.

My head hung low as a rat scurried across the floor to the safety of his hiding hole.

At least you are free. I thought bitterly.

A sigh escaped my bruised lips as blood trickled down my chin.

At least Matt got away. I hope he found Pidge and the others.

I physically winced as Lance crossed my mind. The pain I put him through. The grief that will follow him for the rest of his life.

I deserve this.

Since being dragged back to the building I had yet to get any leads on Shiro's whereabouts.

And since my relocation thanks to Lotor worrying I would escape again, I haven't heard any chatter from anyone.

I hung my head in shame. The chains holding me to the wall clinked at my stiff movements.

I failed.

Maybe this time he will finish me off.

I mentally winced as horrid images crossed me mind. The sinister grin Lotor wore as he drew blood from wounds in my body fishing for information. Him sewing me back up only to reopen the wound later.

The ice cold bath he dunked and left me in for long periods of time only to drag me out throw me on the cold floor, and throw punches at my face and already sore ribs for being unable to answer his questions.

That disgusted feeling I had that crawled over my skin as my body betrayed me as Lotor used me for his own sick pleasures. His hands on my body. It reacting to his touch even against my will.

I want to die.

I swallowed back the lump that rose in my throat. As I hung there in anguish the heavy metal door opened.

I didn't even flinch as light poured in shining across my beaten body.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lotor chuckled closing the door behind him. He lit a sconce on the wall using a match. Waving the match it died between his fingers.

The irony wasn't lost on me. Lotor would be the death of me. He will extinguish my light with his bare hands and probably a blade.

I hoped it would be quick. I wanted to die.

He approached me with a smirk spread across his tan face.

He pouted as he stood before me and placed his hands on his hips.

"Why so glum?" He snorted.

I didn't acknowledge him and stared at a blood stain on the floor. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of me.

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