Chapter 20

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"What do you mean I can't go?" I snapped.

Pitiful stares were returned.

"Lance, we cant risk you getting injured any more." Veronica spoke up.

Before I could call her out on the bullshit Adam entered the room.

"Can you please tell them I am coming with you." I gestured to the solemn group beside me.

"Lance, there are people here who need someone to lead them. I think it's you. It has nothing to do with your leg." He added as I felt my temper flare.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I've been in charge since this whole thing began because well someone had to take control of the situation and make things better.

From what Pidge and Hunk have told me you've done that since the beginning as well. You make a good leader and we need someone here to do that. Can you fo that for me?" Adam asked.

"You want me to stay behind and babysit Garrison while you go out and fight against two kinds of crazy enemies and search for my boyfriend? Oh and when you return I relinquish my title back to you? No way, I'm not stupid." I was getting more annoyed.

Not only did they think I was useless they think I'm stupid.

"I'm going. You're going to need a sharpshooter out there." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"He's right." Kinkade spoke up stepping forward.

"Him and I will take up a high post and cover you." His dark eyes bore into mine. He understood what I was feeling.

"But-"Veronica frowned.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Veronica, but I'm not a baby anymore. Keith needs me. I'm not going to let a little something like losing a leg keep me from him. I'd fight an entire army of the undead with one arm tied behind my back to get him back." I gripped her shoulders emphasizing my point.

"Okay, I understand, but be careful okay. You're my baby brother. You're all I have left." She pinched my cheek with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

I snorted and broke free of her grasp.

"I know. I love you too." I smirked.

"Let's go then." Kinkade inclined his chin. I met his eye and nodded once.

It's time we got Keith back.


My head.

I winced as the throbbing in my skull proceeded down my neck.

What happend?

I forced my eyes open as I was suddenly jolted to the side.

What the hell?

I realised I was in the trunk of a car.

Oh no. They caught me. What am I going to do now?

I shook my head trying to clear the anxiety that pooled in my stomach. Assessing the situation I wriggled my body.

Hands, and feet are bound with thick rope. Blind fold around eyes and gag tied around mouth.


I'm fucked.

My body smashed against the trunk as the car came to a sudden halt.

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