Chapter 16

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"Do you think they will be okay?" Pidge asked as she walked a foot ahead of me.

"They will be fine." I spoke curtly. At Kinkade's raised brow I simply shook my head.

I was stressed and angry. I didn't mean to take it out on her. Pidge seemed to sense this and smiled over her shoulder.

"I think so too. Despite his instincts of fear Hunk will do anything to keep his loved ones safe. Even if that puts him in danger. Lance though cocky is actually pretty sensitive. He's protective of his friends and family. Allura is smart and she can fight. Coran though kind of weird is smart, and I don't doubt he will duke it out if he needs to." Pidge chuckled nervously.

She's trying to convince herself more than me.

Beside her the wolf trotted along sniffing the air every now and then. It led us west of Garrison where back in the day was the factory neighborhood.

There were machine factories, meat factories, brass, etc.

Finding them is going to be tough.

As we walked the wolf stopped and bared its long teeth.

Its ears folded back against its thick skull as its head swiveled toward the trees.

"Stay on alert." I commanded quietly. Kinkade was just arms reach from Pidge.

The wolf whimpered and took off.

"Cosmo come back!" Pidge called running after him.

"Goddamit!" I hissed running after them with Kinkade hot on my heels.

A howl sounded in the distance.

Shit. If anything happens to her, it's all my fault.

I skidded to a halt as Pidge came into view ducking behind a tree.

She waved us over.

"Cosmo found something. It barely looks human, but it doesn't look undead either." She spoke quickly in a whisper.

I drew my pistol and motioned for Kinkade to stay with her.

I rounded the tree and crept through the underbrush. Leaning against a tree was a bloodstained person.

They were holding their side where fresh blood oozed from an open wound. Their leg was bleeding as well.

They were holding a stick to fend off Cosmo.

"I'm not dead yet. You can wait to eat." They grunted leaning against the tree for support.

"If you tell me who you are then I may call him off." I bluffed.

That wolf won't listen to anyone but Keith. Maybe I can get some answers from this guy.

Frightened eyes met mine as his head snapped back at the sound of my voice.

"P-please. You have to help me. My friend is back there. He saved me by sacrificing himself. He needs help."

"You look like you're the one that needs help." I pointed out still holding my pistol. I was listening for any sounds of attack. He could be a decoy.

"We don't have much time. I can explain everything I know." He dropped the stick and held up his hands.

"Are you alone?" I asked unlocking the safety of my pistol.

"Yes. He helped me escape. Look, I don't know if they are after me. I don't know how long he has to live, but people are dying and they need help. You are the only ones I've met who haven't been captured." He spoke desperately.

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