1. Project Insight

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"Welcome to Shield headquarters Agent Falsworth." A woman greeted Rachel as she walked into the classy lobby of Shield's pretty fancy and technologically advanced building.

"Please, just call me Rachel." Rachel assures the woman smiling in her direction as the two began to walk side-by-side in the large lobby. "Being called agent Falsworth is nice but it's way too professional for a woman like me."

"Of course... Rachel." The woman agreed hesitantly nodding towards Rachel. "Um... can I... ask you a question...?"

"Of course." Rachel says with a chuckle at the woman's slight nervousness.

"My niece." She starts as the two stop in the middle of the lobby. "She has been asking me and my sister for a long time to get a picture of your famed speedster." She then continued causing Rachel's smile to grow even more happier than what she already was.

"You want me to get it signed I assume?" Rachel assumes crossing her arms teasingly over her chest.

"Oh, I'm sure she's really busy... but, you know... my niece's pretty persuasive to get at least one thing signed by the woman who saved her life." Rachel smile dropped into a frown of curiosity instantly. She eyes the woman recognising something within her. But, it was her looks and not her personality.

"Might I ask what your niece's name is?" Rachel asked her tone laced in curiosity as the woman pulled a photo of none of than Spitfire, or rather Rachel herself out of her pocket.

"Rose." The woman's states causing Rachel's smile to grow back.

"I remember her." Rachel tells the woman who looked up at Rachel confused as she handed her the photo. "Spitfire. She mentioned only good things about the Rose. Is your sister a nurse perhaps?" Rachel asks as she looked down at the picture. Her speeding around the corner crouching against the floor with one hand just above the floor as the other was curled into a stern fist as Spitfire smiled. It must've been taken somehow during New York as she recognised the place behind her as Madison Avenue. The same street as the bank she and Steve saved civilians in.

"She is." The woman confirms narrowing her eyes slightly at Rachel. "Why do you ask?"

"Rose sounded like a nurse preparing a patient." Rachel explains unfolding her arms slowly. "She prepared Spitfire when she took a shard of glass out of her hip. Spitfire didn't just save Rose's life. Rose saved Spitfire's own. And for that she's grateful." Rachel assures making the woman smile in delight.

"She always wanted to follow in both her mother and father's career path." The woman recalls looking down at her shoes. "Her mother a nurse and father a soldier." Rachel smile faded slightly at the mention of her father's job.

"What does he specialise in?" Rachel asked. "Maybe she worked alongside him."

"I don't think so." The woman assures. "Christopher Williams died during active duty three years ago. A couple months before Spitfire showed up." Rachel looked down in almost guilt at the woman's words.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Rose handled it better than what I anticipated."

"If she ever needs someone to talk to though." Rachel insists as she placed the picture in her blazer pocket. "I'm sure Spitfire would love to help. She lost her father during the 90s when he was in active duty. She knows the ways of healing." Rachel suggested holding out a card with MI6s number. "If she ever wants to talk just ask to talk to me. I can get her there."

"Can you?" The woman asked surprised.

"I mean we are talking about the fastest woman alive." Rachel reminded. "She'd love to meet Rose again."

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now