3. Three Shots

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Rachel rode on the motorcycle she had borrowed from Shield after assuring the reason why was an emergency and they hesitantly let her leave with it

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Rachel rode on the motorcycle she had borrowed from Shield after assuring the reason why was an emergency and they hesitantly let her leave with it. To say they were suspicious was an understatement.

She had sped back to Shield's quarters in almost a state of panic once discovering that Fury was at risk of assassination and only a small amount of relief was lifted off of her when she discovered that he had escaped. She was glad but not so glad of not knowing where he was.

She was just glad he was alive and relied on her to save him.

That's not something you'd here every day.

Nick Fury asking for Rachel's help.

As soon as she reached the address that Steve called home she parked her bike beside his, removed her helmet and patted her hip to double check that she had her pistol in case the assassin followed her in which she did have.

Rachel ran inside the building she knew Steve was living in to only almost crash into a woman carrying her laundry.

"I'm so sorry.." Rachel apologises as the woman's eyes went wide knowing that she had only missed her by inches.

"It's okay." The woman assures before noticing Rachel's concerned and panicked look. "You okay?"

"Steve Rogers." Rachel blurts. "Which... which flat?" Rachel asked as she began to slowly speed up the staircase.

"First floor. Number 4." The woman replies confidently yet her expression was far from that.

"Thanks!" Rachel shouts as she ran up the steps rushing to find Steve as the woman left her site.

As soon as she reached the top of the stairs she could see the number four on the door in front of her and rushed towards it knocking on the door harder than she realised.

"Steve!" Rachel shouts knowing he would be defensive if she just burst in. "Steve it's Rachel! Open up! Please Steve just-" out of nowhere the door was suddenly opened and Steve made himself known.

"Rachel? Why are you here?" He asks.

"It's Fury." She starts to only have Steve stop her talking as he raised his hand.

"I know." He muttered. "Be quiet okay." He says before letting her in.

Rachel although had never been to Steve's place before she was confused as to why the lights were off. Maybe he just arrived back but it didn't explain the fact that he had his shield with him.

It was only when Steve motioned to where Rachel supposed the living room was she locked eyes with none other than Fury.

"Oh. So that's where you ended up. Thanks for saving me Rac-" Rachel cut herself off when she looked up towards Steve who held a serious look. "What hurts?" She asks.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now