9. Zola's Algorithm

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"I see him

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"I see him." Rachel muttered into her intercom subtly before taking a swig of her water as she sat with one leg over the other with Sam beside her.

Rachel watched as he, the Senator (of which Rachel despised and was convinced already that he was with Hydra with no proof) and four bodyguards walked out of the nearby restaurant.

Rachel repositioned her sunglasses as she watched Sitwell closely from the corner of her eye.

"You know I'm surprised that he doesn't have a bruise." Rachel admitted to Sam who looked at Rachel with a weird look as she continued to scan his face for a bruise whilst he and the Senator were talking.

"Why?" Sam asks taking a sip of his own drink.

"A friend of mine, Jemma. She went badass and knocked him out." Rachel quickly explains. "She may be a good girl but boy does she pack a punch." As the Senator and Sitwell concluded their conversation  Rachel nodded towards Sam who got a phone Natasha had given him so when they called Sitwell it would have Pierce's name on it.

As the phone rang, so did Sitwell's. The two watched with giant smirks plastered on their faces as he reached for his phone within his blazer. Seeing the ID he told the bodyguards something that Rachel couldn't hear and all of them left leaving only Sitwell.

"Yes Sir." Sitwell's began with the speaker on the phone being loud enough for even Rachel to her.

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch?" Sam asked making Rachel giggle under her breath at Sam subtly. "I hear the crab cakes are delicious."

"Who is this?" Sitwell asked in a less confident tone as he began to look around for someone with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"The good looking guy in the sunglasses with a Brit who's tempted to do the same thing an agent did to you. Preferably a punch to the face at your ten o'clock." Rachel watched smirking more with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Sitwell begin to panic. "Your other ten o'clock." Sam informs noticing he was looking the wrong way until his eyes met Sam's shaded eyes before meeting Rachel's and his face became more and more anxious. "There you go."

"What do you want?" Sitwell asks as he tried to act confident.

"You're gonna go round that corner to your right, there's a grey car two spaces down. You and I are going to take a ride." Sam explained as he stared Sitwell in the eyes with a serious look as Rachel simply smiled at him.

"And why would I do that?"

"He did not just ask that..." Rachel muttered in a shameful tone as she shook her head.

"Because that tie looks really expensive and I'd hate to mess it up." Sam explains smirking at Rachel's response in the process.

The two wanted to laugh when they saw the red dot land on Sitwell's tie and the agent looked around for the person who was going to shoot him but with no luck. Shame. It was Natasha with a laser pointer after all.

- -

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm." Steve demanded once he had pretty much thrown Sitwell through the door on top of a nearby building. Rachel and Natasha followed behind closely, their expressions as serious as Steve's own.

"Never heard of it." Sitwell lied as he quickly got back on his feet and picked up his glasses in the process. He continued to walk backward as quick as Steve was walking forward and was nearing closer to edge, step by step.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?"

"I was throwing up." Sitwell lies again. "I get seasick." He explains as he reached the edge of the building almost falling off if it hadn't have been for Rachel who quickly pushed him into Steve's grasp and he grip him by his jacket threateningly as Rachel walked back around. "Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're going to throw me off the roof?" Sitwell then assumes looking Steve in the eyes with a smirk. "Because it's really not your style Rogers."

"You're right." Steve agrees letting go of him. "It's theirs." He assures before Rachel uppercutted him before allowing Natasha to kick him off the roof.

"Oh wait, what about that girl from accounting." Natasha suddenly suggested to Steve making Rachel turn to Natasha with an almost jealous look on her face and tone but held it back.

"Your trying to set Steve on a date?" Rachel questioned.

"L-Laura, Lisa-" Natasha continued ignoring Rachel.

"Lillian." Steve corrected looking down at the floor before looking at Natasha. "Lip piercing right?"

"Yeah, she's cute."

"Yeah, I'm not ready for that."

Their heads snapped back upward as Sitwell's screaming came into play and low and behold was Sam with his Falcon wings flying him upwards before dropping him back on the roof. Sam then landed flawlessly on the roof a few meters behind the groaning Sitwell as his wings folded back up into the jet pack area of it.

The three 'agents' walked back towards Sitwell as he sat on his knees, his facial expression filled with defeat.

"Zola's algorithm is a program... for choosing... Insights targets." Sitwell admitted holding his hand up towards Steve so he wouldn't move any closer to him.

"What targets." Steve demanded.

"You, a TV anchor in Cairo, the secretary of defence, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City!" He continued to list. "Bruce Banner, Rose Williams, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to Hydra, now or in the future."

"Rose Williams?" Rachel questions in an almost disgusted tone. Why was she even a threat? She'd only be a teenager by now. Time had past since she saved her in New York. "Why is she on the list?" She demanded getting on one knee to keep eye contact.

"I don't know!" Sitwell says panicking at Rachel's close proximity. "Probably to do with her being different or something!"

"Why is Stephen Strange on the list?" Rachel then asked. "He's a neuro-surgeon."

"I said I don't know! The algorithm just knows the future!"

"How?" Steve asks Sitwell in a more calm tone comparing to Rachel's more threatening tone as she slowly stood back up with clenched fists.

"How could it not?" Sitwell laughs changing his complete demeanour from anxious to almost villainous in a surprising way. "The twenty first century is a digital book..." Sitwell continues as he stood up. "Zola taught Hydra how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future." Rachel pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance as 'predict the future' came into the mix.

"How hard did Jemma hit you?!" Rachel almost exclaims raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Not hard." Sitwell responds quickly.


"What then?" Steve asks once more ignoring Rachel's mysterious comment.

"Oh my god, Pierce is going to kill me..." Sitwell mutters to himself when he realised what he had fully done. He stepped back to only be stopped by Sam who grabbed him by his collar.

"What then?!" Steve demanded stepping forward.

"Then the Insight carriers scratch people off the list." Sitwell states making Rachel and Natasha glance at each other nervously. "A few million at a time."

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