5. Going Rouge

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Right as the barrier separating the Triskellion from the bridge closed Rachel jumped through and Steve, on his motorcycle also jumped through

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Right as the barrier separating the Triskellion from the bridge closed Rachel jumped through and Steve, on his motorcycle also jumped through. Rachel kept her speed at the same rate as his bike so they wouldn't lose each other.

As Rachel kept her eyes on where she was headed and their surroundings Steve kept his eyes ahead of himself to see the gates being closed slowly and the spikes being lifted.

Just when they thought it would be fine a quinjet flew past them before narrowly turning back around to face the two.

"Shit." Rachel muttered to herself.

"Stand down Captain Rogers! Spitfire stand down!" The pilot ordered as he lowered the quinjet's weaponry. "Repeat! Stand down!" He shouted as Steve powered up his bike making him go faster.

Rachel and Steve swerved around dodging each and every incoming bullet that sped in their direction. As Rachel continued to avoid them Steve swung his shield in quinjet's direction, the vibrainium shield instantly jamming one of its two turbines.

Clearly during his time at Shield his skills had been majorly enhanced as he recklessly began to rise from his bike's seat at the incredible speed it was going. He then ditched his bike and launched himself onto the quinjet as Rachel stopped mid run to skid her feet across the floor as she successfully held her balance against the concrete.

Eyes wide at Steve's antics she narrowly avoided the wing of the quinjet as Steve removed his shield from its turbine. Rachel could only watched as he only just made it back onto the jet and took out the two engines by throwing his shield roughly towards them.

As the quinjet lost control Steve frantically and dramatically jumped off catching his shield in the process and landed on the concrete, the shield creating his usual noise as it vibrated against the hard material.

"I could've helped you know." Rachel reminds as she found the stunt pretty... well Steve like.

"I know." Steve assures as the quinjet crashed on the bridge.

"You ready?" Rachel asks.

"You bet." Steve answers before she whisked him away.


"Eyes here!" Jenny Brooks' head snapped in Sitwell's direction as he shouted at every agent in the room. "Whatever your op is bury it. This is level one." Jenny walked over to one of her fellow agents Sharon Carter as she continued to listen to Sitwell.

"What the hell is happening?" Jenny whispered.

"No clue. I think we're about to find out." Sharon whispered back.

"Contact D.O.T." Sitwell then orders. "All traffic lights in this district go red. Shut all runways at BWI, IED and Reagan. All security the security cameras in the city go through this monitor right here." Jenny looked up at the screen as the faces of Steve Rogers and who appeared to be Rachel Falsworth appeared on screen.

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