17. Rose Falsworth

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"So the party was crashed in DC

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"So the party was crashed in DC." James Bond's voice sarcastically began as Rachel sat in a hospital chair in a private waiting room.

Rachel was currently waiting impatiently for Steve to wake up. Sam had offered to save Rachel panicking constantly to stay with Steve and to let her know when he woke up. She accepted.

"Yes..." Rachel groaned as she leaned back in the armchair she sat in the lonely room. "We did."

"How was it being a fugitive?" James asked curiously. Rachel rolled her eyes at the question as she let one leg sit over the other.

"Let's just say I prefer it when I'm not but seeing Natasha for the first time in her element was quite the spectacle." Rachel admits smiling to herself as she remembered the long trip. "Though when it got to the point where I, Natasha and Steve were almost blown up in the first ever Shield base wasn't my favourite."

"This makes me think that Tarr will find this one his favourite reports to read since 2011." James admitted laughing to himself. "How are you though?"

"Salty." Rachel states honestly.

"Why?" James asks slowly, his tone concerned.

"Let Tarr know that RAID figured out a recipe for a temporary speed removing serum." Rachel demands in an annoyed tone clearly telling James that she was salty.

"That's bad..." James concludes, his tone becoming serious. "Having that on our list of troubles is concerning."

"Well if it does get used on me we'll know where they got it from." Rachel tells him as the door opened to reveal Rose peaking her head through the door.

"Fair enough."

"James I have to go." Rachel tells him quickly. "I'll let you know when I'm headed home."

"Copy that boss." James farewells before Rachel removed her phone from her ear and hung up. Rachel stood up slowly wincing at the pain she felt from minor battles and was immediately trapped in her sister's embrace.

"I've never been so scared in my life!" Rose exclaimed letting her sister out of her embrace. Rachel was left wide eyed as she tried to gain her balance and succeeded. "I thought you'd die and if never see you again... Rachel your the hero I aspire to be and you never told me!" She then shouts.

"Rose pipe down!" Rachel demands. "Do you want the world to know!"

"Do you?"


"Explain." Rose demands.

"I can't." Rachel admitted.

"Why not?"

"Its classified."

"So you're an agent." Rose figures pointing a stern finger towards her sister.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now