2. Thoughts and Remorse

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Loosing her luck she sighed after only finding Steve's motorbike gone in the garage

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Loosing her luck she sighed after only finding Steve's motorbike gone in the garage. She figured that he had probably gone somewhere to just lay back a little. Get over the earlier argument and Rachel completely understood if that's why he left so quickly.

Rachel even decided to take a break. Visit the outside world in a different way.

She had recently found out about a centre nearby for army or military veterans in Washington. Although she had never been in a war in the twenty-first century she watched first hand as the men of the Second World War suffered major PTSD. Rachel would be lying if she said she wasn't effected by the war. It reminded her of her father and even her great uncle occasionally.

And it wasn't just the fighting that had effected her. It was the guilt.

Guilt was the worst part of her past.

Just listening to other peoples problems which in some context were pretty much the same made her relax. Each and everyone of them had sacrificed something for something else. Maybe some worse than others.

She walked through the entrance of the centre with her hands stuffed in her pockets as she watched people walk in and out of the unfamiliar building.

Some people looked at her as if she was the new girl in school whilst others just walked by not bothering to notice the unfamiliar woman within the building.

"So." Someone begins. "I haven't seen you around here before..." Rachel looked around her to only come face to face with a young dark skinned man around her age. He was wearing a nice checkered shirt and jeans and held a sweet smile as Rachel looked towards him. "You here to join the group?"

"No." Rachel replies. "Not really. I heard about the place. I do have my good few experiences with... war."


"Military Intelligence."

"Oh, I see..." The man acknowledged. "A British woman who works... for a British intelligence service I presume..."

"I assume you have some sort of interrogation qualifications..."

"No. I'm just smart. The name's Sam." The man: Sam introduces reaching out his hand for Rachel to shake.

"Rachel. Rachel Falsworth." Rachel introduced in return shaking his outstretched hand kindly.

"Falsworth? Are you related to...?"

"James Montgomery Falsworth? Yes." Rachel confirms making Sam's smile falter slightly in shock. "I'm his great niece."

"I see. How is he?" Sam asked.

"He's well." Rachel replies nodding. "How about this place?"

"Good." Sam responds stuffing his hands in his pockets. "As a former wingman myself I've gotten to understand so many different point of views as not only a learner but a teacher." Sam continues his tone laced with complete honesty.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now