14. The Rescue

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"They're initiating launch

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"They're initiating launch..." Maria informed as Rachel bit her lip nervously whilst watching the Hellicarriers slowly lift into the air.

"Steve, Sam you better get your asses on those Hellicarriers." Rachel tells the boys through her intercom as she jogged towards the exit. "I'm headed your way now." She concludes before speeding towards their location not too far outside the building.

Rachel ran outside the building to see Sam and Steve not to far away from her and she ran up to them and slowed to what was considered a normal pace.

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?!" Sam asks as Rachel slowed to a steady pace.

"If they're shooting at you they're bad!" Steve replies before Sam unlocked his wings and shot into the air whilst Steve and Rachel kept running.

"You ready?" Rachel asks confidently.

"I thinks so. You?" He asked in return as they neared the edge.

"Nope!" Rachel responded honestly before they both jumped over the edge and into the battle that awaited them.

Rachel arms waved around slightly as the two flew towards the ground at high speeds. Once landing, Rachel slightly later than Steve due to weight differences the two forward rolled before easily getting to their feet.

It didn't take any more than five seconds for the bullets to started to fire towards them. Steve used his shield to dodge them as he raced towards the cargo boxes nearby whilst Rachel used her speed to avoid them easily. She ran around the bullets as Steve fought the soldiers at his end. Rachel once passing every bullet started to knock the agent unconscious with ease with one rock hard punch to the next, hitting each one strategically in the head.

"Hey Cap!" Sam called out as Rachel stopped running after knocking out each of the agents in her way. "I found those bad guys you were talking about!"

"You okay?" Steve asked as he hid behind the cargo.

"I'm not dead yet!"


Running up the last set of staircases as quickly as she could Jenny skipped steps when possible with her gun in hand.

She raced up the steps with ease before shooting a Strike Agent in the chest once reaching the top. It clearly caught other agents' attention as they ran around the corner aiming their guns towards Jenny but she shot them down easily as they rounded the corner.

Reloading her gun after shooting the numerous Hydra agents down she ran around another corner. She ran only faster.

"Rose is going to lose it when she finds out about this..." Jenny mutters to herself shaking her head as she rounded one more corner and slammed a door open to only hear groans emitting from the Council's meeting room.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now