4. Together

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Rachel pressed a cold cloth against her chest as she and Rose sat on a couch in one of the other room's near the lab where the rest of the team now including Rhodey now were

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Rachel pressed a cold cloth against her chest as she and Rose sat on a couch in one of the other room's near the lab where the rest of the team now including Rhodey now were.

Rose was still pretty shaken by the scenario as she watched in sister wince in pain every so often. The blast she had was quite a hit and had left a scorch mark on her blouse just in case you didn't believe what happened.

"What did you want to tell me?" Rose asked her sister as Rose leaned forward to get a better view of her sister's tired face.

"I can't have you here." Rachel states after a small silence. Her voice was slightly shaky from the shock of having to fight artificial intelligence a matter of minutes before.

"What do you mean?" Rose asks. "I don't get it-"

"You're taking the next flight back to London." Rachel explained sighing as she readjusted her grip on the wet cloth.

"What?" Rose could hardly believe her sister's words. "No, I'm not leaving you." Rose refused keeping her voice low but her tone proved otherwise.

"You have too..." Rachel tells her sister. "You saw what happened. What Ultron's capable of." Rachel states loud and clear to Rose who shook her head.

"I'm not leaving you after what that guy did to you!" Rose exclaimed. "He... it hurt you! If you think for a moment I'm going home you're clearly forgetting who I'm related too..." Rose concludes her tone lighter and softer. "I'm a Falsworth. Falsworth's do not give up. I'm not giving up on you."

"What if Ultron goes after you?" Rachel questions. "You being here gives him a firm location of where you are."

"I don't think I can go anywhere without someone knowing where I am Rachel." Rose states looking her sister firmly in her worried blue eyes. "Ultron would find me quicker than you and you know that. I'll stay with Maria if I have to." Rachel looked into her sister's honest chocolate eyes as she explained only the truth.

"Fine, fine.." Rachel hesitantly agreed before standing up wincing at the pain in her chest. "But if anything happens-"

"I'll go back home." Rose finishes standing up also. "I know."

"Good." Rachel says before she starts to walk towards the lab. "Just hope that those idiots haven't started arguing yet."


"All our work is gone." Bruce states to everyone in the room as Tony looked at the remaining parts of Ultron that sat on the desk.

Rachel and Rose walked in right as he spoke those words. Rose leaning against the desk closest to the door whilst Rachel walked to Steve who was nearby.

"Ultron cleared out. Used the internet as an escape hatch." Bruce explained as Steve leaned his weight on his left hand that was pushed against the desk beside him where the sceptre once sat.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now