4. Turning Point

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Rachel and Steve leaned against the wall behind them as they watched Natasha sadly and quietly see Nick Fury for the last time

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Rachel and Steve leaned against the wall behind them as they watched Natasha sadly and quietly see Nick Fury for the last time. Her tune had completely changed. She wasn't this sarcastic, strongly active spy and friend. She seemed weaker. Fragile even.

As Rachel kept her tears back Steve placed his hand on Rachel's shoulder out of comfort. He must've sensed her sadness also. She wasn't good with goodbyes. She never got to give a proper farewell to her father. Yet she could say goodbye to agents who she sometimes couldn't remember joining her team.

"They need to take him." Maria says, her voice quiet and tearful also. Rachel never thought that Maria Hill of all people would be fazed so effectively by Fury's death by she was his second in command after-all. Rachel would probably feel the same if Jack Tarr or James Bond were to die.

Rachel looked downwards as Steve removed his hand from Rachel's shoulder and slowly walked to Natasha.

"Natasha..." Steve quietly began as he stopped respectively behind her. He watched as she placed her hand on Fury's cold forehead as a final goodbye with clear tears at the brink of falling. Once removing her hand she walked past Steve and walked straight out of the room. Rachel obviously followed her. She didn't want her doing something stupid.

"Natasha..." Rachel began trying to get her attention.

"Natasha." Steve then starts when he stopped beside Rachel. Rachel almost rolled her eyes when she turned around sharply to face the two.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" She asks her expression almost seen as confusion.

"I don't know..." Steve lies shrugging his shoulders. 'Note to self' Rachel thought. 'Steve Rogers is a bad liar.'

"No offence. Why are you even here Rachel?" Natasha then snapped facing Rachel.

"Business." Rachel states. "But, I guess now it's more than business isn't it." Natasha would be lying if what Rachel wasn't telling the truth but Steve however. Not so much.

"Cap, Falsworth." A member of the Strike team for Shield suddenly told the two causing their heads to turn in his direction. "They need you back at Shield."

"Yeah, give me second." Steve tells him.

"They want you now." The man instantly responds making Rachel raise her eyebrows shocked at the guy's sudden response.

"Okay." Steve tells him. Only this time the man nodded towards Steve before walking back to his crew.

"You're a terrible liar." Natasha tells Steve almost smirking at Steve before turning to walk away.

"She is not wrong. You are a bloody terrible liar." Rachel tells him honestly agreeing with Natasha before slowly walking over towards the Strike team.

"Falsworth." The man from earlier greets.

"You are?" Rachel asks kindly as they wait for Steve.

𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now