1. Return to Avengers Tower

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"Rachel! I just cannot deal with this!" Rose shouts aloud as Rachel slumped in the armchair in Rose's bedroom

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"Rachel! I just cannot deal with this!" Rose shouts aloud as Rachel slumped in the armchair in Rose's bedroom. "This is a bloody emergency and you are just sitting there! Your being so lazy! Look at you!" Rachel honestly knew she was being lazy.

She sat there with her head leaned against the palm of her hand as her eyelids threatened to close shut right then and there due to the 'emergency' as one leg sat over the other.

"Emergency? Sure." Rachel lies in a boring tone. "Let me know when you're dead."

"I will be if this doesn't work! It's a nightmare already! I swear."

"Uh huh.. right." Rachel lies again leaning her head back as she sighed.

"I'm being serious Rachel!" Rose shouts. "This is a life or death situation!"

"Oh, sure, and saving London or the country isn't one?" Rachel asks, her tone filled with sarcasm. "I'm sure, wait, I'm one hundred percent certain RAID could drop a grenade at your feet and you wouldn't notice..." Rachel assures rolling her eyes as she lifted her head back up slowly with Rose still not in sight.

"Very funny!" Rose yelled sarcastically.

"So, Rachel Falsworth. What do you do for a living?" Rachel asked herself. "I'm an agent of MI6 who loves kicking ass. I'm a speedster who also loves to kick ass. And babysitting my sister over the dumbest shit that I'll probably kick her ass over..." Rachel answers herself causing a muffled 'Hey!' to bounce back in return from her sister's direction.

"I'm not deaf!" Rose assures.

"Really? Didn't notice." Rachel responds as Rose made herself known in a mint green dress she had bought with some white heels adorning her feet. Rose's glare was sent straight in her sister's direction as she walked into her bedroom.

"So. Do the shoes go with the outfit?" Rose smiles in a hopeful tone.

"Take twenty seven. Mission: success...." Rachel sighs in relief.

"Great!" Rose squealed. "Are you sure?" She then asked for confirmation. "I'm meeting the Avengers and I want to look my best."

"I noticed." Rachel acknowledged raising her eyebrows. "And it's fine. Plus the majority of the guests a veterans. Semi-formal is semi-formal for a reason."

"I know but the Avengers are your friends and I want to impress them."

"Your my sister. They are already impressed and surprised that you even exist."

"Do they even know I'm coming?"

"Not Stark or Thor for sure." Rachel assures. "I want to see their reactions."


"Now pack!" Rachel orders. "The flight leaves in less than twenty four hours."


𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎 ➋ ✔Where stories live. Discover now