02: Little Protector.

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It had been a couple of days since Esmeralda had arrived in Santo Padre. Being away from home had helped clear her mind, giving her a better perspective to the truths she had recently discovered.

She had built up the courage to finally speak to her family, letting them know she was ok as she knew they would only chase after her if she didn't. She had decided that today was her last day here, tomorrow she would make her way back home to face reality.

Esmeralda felt like a fool to hope that the answers she wanted would be there right in front of her. She was starting to believe that her mother was right, her creative imagination might have got the better of her.

Nevertheless, she did have one lead that might be worth the chance before she left. The Mayans Mc. She hadn't been able to shake the feeling that she had seen their kutte's before. She needed to pay them a visit to see if coming here was worth her time.

Esmerelda left her motel room and was about to get in her car when she noticed a piece of paper folded on her windshield. Looking around there was nobody there, apart from a hooded figure in the distance. She couldn't see a face but she had a strong feeling that they were watching her. After a few long seconds, she subsided any fears and took the piece of paper.

Esmeralda was unsure how to feel when she read the note that contained an address, and a message: "here lays what you have been searching for."

When she looked back up whoever had been watching her had now vanished. Who could have left this note? And, how did they know she was searching for something? Esmeralda hadn't told anybody why she was in Santo Padre.

Pushing away all her fears and worries she hopped into her car. She knew she probably shouldn't be visiting places suggested to her by mysterious strangers, but her curiosity had taken over. Her plans to the see the Mayans had now changed. Esmerelda had a new lead to follow.


Pulling up at the cemetery with the club, Angel would have sworn he had seen Esmeralda's car parked near the entrance. The pair hadn't spoken properly since he dropped her off the other night. Only giving each other simple greetings when passing by his father's shop or seeing her on the street.

Angel would never admit that he felt different about this woman. He felt something pulling him towards her, he couldn't explain it. But he didn't have time to think about that now. He had to focus on how he was going to get to the Samoan's before the club did.

Hopping off his bike he leaned back against one of the headstones, watching from a distance as Bishop had attempted to talk first. They all knew that was never gonna happen though. Two extra cars had pulled up with multiple men getting out, holding their weapons ready for business. That's when the shootout began.

Bishop and the others were walking back to their bikes when they quickly turned around to start shooting. Angel ran over to the back of their truck, grabbing himself a gun before the rest of the guys did too.

He was taking cover behind a headstone when he looked over to Coco giving him the go-ahead to try to take out the Samoan leader. Coco had the man in his sights but he missed his shot, only grazing him in the ear. Another shot like that would only cause the club to get suspicious.

Angel was worried. Not because of the bullets, but because the club could find out about their side deals. He got up from his cover behind the headstone, beginning to move further forward to get close to the leader. But when he was trying to stay low his knees had given in, tripping on a fallen headstone. Angel was in danger. He was stuck on the open ground, there was no tall headstone to hide behind.

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