07: The Light.

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Waking up, Angel began to move until he felt a light weight on him, along with some movement. Looking around he realised where he was and who he was with.

Last night he had fall asleep on the couch at his childhood home, with Esmerelda falling asleep on top of him. They had stayed up late, discussing their life, from their favourite colours to their favourite childhood memories.

Angel felt a flutter in his stomach, as he felt her arms tighten around him. He had never felt this way with a woman before, he knew she was special.

He had a sweet smile on his lips, seeing Esmerelda now rubbing her eyes, before slowly lifting her head, looking up at him. "Buenos días preciosa." He whispered, the grogginess of his voice causing Esmerelda to lightly chuckle.

"What time is it?" She asked, slowly sitting up, bringing her long braids out of her face into a low pony.

"Early." Angel replied, with a smile growing on his lips when realising it was still dark out. "We haven't missed it." He whispered quietly, but it caught Esmerelda's attention as she gazed at him confused.

Angel stood up, holding out his hand and pulling her up before walking outside. Esmerelda was still pretty tired as she willingly followed him.

"Where are we going?" She asked, walking towards Angel before putting on the spare helmet he handed her.

"It's a surprise." He replied, flashing her a small smirk along with a wink. She rolled her eyes, climbing onto the bike.

"Ready?" Angel asked, glancing over his shoulder to look at Esmerelda. She nodded her head, wrapping her arms around him and placing her hands against his chest whilst leaning her head against his back. "Hold on tight." Angel spoke softly, before pulling out onto the street and speeding off down the road.


They had been out on the road for quite sometime before Esmerelda noticed it– the light.

Her eyes opened as she now sat up straight behind Angel. He took a quick glance behind him, a smile on his lips as he noticed her intrigued expression.

The view in front of them was pure magic to Esmerelda. The long open road, nobody around and the sun was just appearing from behind the mountains.

Angel pulled off and stopped on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. As soon as he stopped Esmerelda was straight off the bike, dropping the helmet on the floor, and taking a few slow steps away from the bike.

"You're gonna need this." Angel said, gaining her attention as she turned out with a stunned expression her face.

In his hands, was her camera. The one she left in her car. "Where did you–" She asked stunned and confused, taking a few steps towards him.

"Found your car near the border." He told her, handing her the camera. "Thought you might need it."

Esmerelda had the biggest smile on her lips as she held the camera in her hands. "Thank you." She whispered softly. She had been worried about her car, it was one of her prized possessions, but at that moment she didn't care. She was happy to have a piece of herself back again.

Angel leaned back against his bike as he watched Esmerelda do what she does best. He watched her take multiple shots of the sunrise, moving around to different positions.

He was lighting his cigarette when he looked up to see she was now taking photographs of him. "C'mon smile for me, precioso mío."
Esmerelda spoke cheerfully, knowing her choice of words would earn her a smile. One that Angel tried to hide as he turned his gaze away from her, letting out a little chuckle.

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