06: Cuts and Scrapes.

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It was a casual night at the clubhouse. The Mayans were either wrapped in a women's attention, playing pool or drinking away their worries.

Taza was sitting on the couch outside on the porch, sweet talking a woman when he heard the yard gate opening. Looking over, he saw Chucky assisting a limping Esmerelda.

"Shit." He muttered, instantly walking over to them as they reached the clubhouse. "What happened?" He asked.

"The rebels." Esmerelda replied through a shaky breath. Taza guided her up the steps to the couch after shewing the other woman away to inform the men about their guest.

"What's going on?!" They heard, turning their attention to Bishop standing in front of them, with the rest of the Mayans coming out to join them. Esmerelda glanced up at Bishop, seeing the hurt in his eyes she tried to flash him a weak smile but it didn't help.

Everyone was silent for a moment, with Bishop nodding for the guys to go inside, leaving him and Esmerelda alone.

Bishop looked over the young woman, noticing the cuts and scrapes scattered over her body. It pained him to see her this way, it brought back too many bad memories of her mother.

"My car..." He heard her breath out. "I need to find my car." Hearing the panicked tone in her voice he now sat next to her, placing a gentle hand on her back.

"Don't worry about that now, we'll sort it." Bishop told her, feeling her relax under his touch. "What did they do to you?" He whispered with a heavy sigh.

Esmerelda shook her head, now leaning back against the couch. "They didn't do anything." She began, her eyes fixed on her fiddling thumbs. "I escaped... jumped out the car." Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, thinking of her nephew who she had left with the rebels.

She went to tell him what she had done, but Bishop stopped her. "Let's get you cleaned up, and we'll talk about this in the morning." He stood up, before gently taking her arm as he helped her stand up.

"Morning?" Esmerelda questioned, as he guided her into the clubhouse.

"We ain't let you out of our sight." He told her, flashing her a soft smile, as he sat her down at one of the couches inside.

With the President, the Vice President and El Padrino leaving to have a meeting in the templo, Esmerelda noticed that all eyes were on her.

Taza had informed them the rebels had taken her, leaving everyone to look at her sympathetically. Esmerelda didn't want their sympathy. She sat up straight, the hurt expression on her face disappearing as she didn't want to be seen as weak.

Angel hadn't been able to take his eyes off of Esmerelda, examining her fragile state. From the marks on her skin, to her masking her sorrow. He felt guilty.

He had met with the rebels last night and earlier that day. Both times he was assured the baby was safe, but they didn't mention Esmerelda. Not once.

First, her brother didn't mention her and now neither did the rebels. After, Miguel's retaliation of the burnt bodies, and his outside deal with the Chinese hitting a dead end, Angel was starting to feel the pressure of being neck deep in dangerous business.

Esmerelda stood up, taking a slow and stumbling walk to Angel who was leaning against the bar. "Where can I clean up?" She asked quietly, keeping her gaze away from his.

Angel glared to the rest of the Mayans, who all got back to their previous business. He started walking towards the dorms, nodding his head for her to follow him, before walking into his dorm, and into his on-suite.

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