10: A Start.

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Esmerelda was awoken by the sun peering in through the window. It took her a few seconds to realise where she was, as her eyes examined her surroundings.

From the flannels flung over the gym equipment in the corner, to the chain hanging off of the door that had a cheesy key ring attached it. Esmerelda realised that she was in Angel's room, remembering that she had left him on the couch the night before.

She was surprised by his room, and in fact his home. It was clean and tidy, every item had it's place. It was a home that was lived in, it wasn't a state like the clubhouse dorms.

After taking a moment to wake up, Esmerelda was struck with the sound of voices coming from the living room. She recognised one, but the other was unfamiliar. Standing from the bed, she stood with her ear pressed against the door, listening to the conversation.

She knew she shouldn't have, and although she found out about another one of Angel's secret deals, she was really listening in, in hopes that it wasn't a club member. And to her relief it wasn't.

When she heard the closing of the front door, Esmerelda decided to walk out of the bedroom. "Good morning." She said, in a soft tone, drawing away any sign to her eves-dropping.

After walking to the kitchen area that was connected to the living room, she quickly turned on her heels to face Angel. "Fucks sake!" She screamed, stumbling back against the counter, with her hand grasping her chest, as she saw a mutated head sitting in his chair.

"Good morning mi amor." Angel said, mimicking her tone from the night before, when she had wished him goodnight. As he flashed her a sweet smirk, he took this moment to take in her beauty.

Esmerelda was stood in one of his flannel shirts that just about covered her ass. Most of her hair was still in its braids, with a few loose ones that had fallen out, hanging around her face.

"Perhaps you could give me a heads up next time." Esmerelda replied, chuckling to herself at her choice of words. Angel nodded his head, chuckling along with her as he watched her rummage through his fridge.

"Yeah, you won't find much in there." He chuckled, glancing to see the look of defeat on the woman's face.

With late nights at the clubhouse, out on a run, or at Vicki's, Angel very rarely stocked up on food at home. There were a few items in his fridge, but from the smell Esmerelda wasn't sure how long they had been there.

"Is this really all you've got?" Esmerelda questioned, raising her voice for Angel to hear her in his bedroom. She glanced over to see him standing shirtless in the door way.

Most women probably would have been drooling, but Esmerelda was too focused examining the tattoos on his chest. She was intrigued by all of his tattoos. They had both shared their own tattoo stories, but he hadn't told her about these ones.

"What else do you expect from a biker, babe." He replied with a smirk, pleased with himself after seeing her gaze clued on his chest.

"A little more than rotten eggs, and an empty milk carton, babe." Esmerelda mimicked his tone, closing the fridge in a huff, before leaning against the counter. Watching him slip on his shirt, Angel still had a smirk on his face as her gaze was still glued to his tattoos.

Once they had been covered, she turned her gaze to the kitchen floor, seeing the white tiles practically sparkling in the sunlight. For a few short seconds, Esmerelda had a moment of quiet. Since arriving in Santo Padre, this was the first moment her mind had been empty.

"Earth to Esme!" Angel called, waving his arm in front of her face, as he learnt against the other side of the counter.

"What?...Oh sorry." She mumbled, shaking her head out of her daze.

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