05: White Mustang.

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Miguel had called an unexpected meeting, in the middle of the desert. The Mayans didn't know why and were unsure as to whether they should be worried or not. Especially, Angel.

He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Esmerelda, or the newfound information about who her family were. However, he knew now wasn't the time to worry over that, or anything else. The more natural he acted, the less suspicious the club or anyone else would be.

Getting off his bike, Angel was laughing and joking with a few other members. Miguel greeted Alvarez and Bishop before he began to speak. "Last night, Los Olvidados crossed over the border and attacked my family."

As soon as the words left the man's lips, Angel had pushed past a few other Mayans. He stood behind Bishop, who hadn't taken his eyes off of Miguel. Both men were on edge as they waited for the man opposite them to continue.

Last night, Esmerelda had left with Alvarez to see her brother again, on his orders. It was the first time she had been home in 4 years, and now this happened.

"They killed one of my men..." Miguel said before taking a deep breath, "...and kidnapped my son."

Angel was in shock, quickly glancing to Coco and Gilly, who were both looking at him for answers. But the truth was, he had none. He didn't know the rebels plan. His mind was racing through what their next move might be when he heard Ez ask about Emily. That made him think of Esmerelda, Miguel hadn't mentioned her.

"Marie our nanny...she got a look at the car...it's not likely they stayed on the US side... but if they did..." Miguel paused to take a breath before continuing. "I need you to track them down."

Bishop hesitated, glancing to his Vice President when he heard Miguel speak. "I'm asking this as a personal favour... please."

"Sorry about your son." Bishop began. "We'll help." Miguel glanced to Nestor who gave them the information they needed.

They were looking for a Ford Station Wagon, and upon hearing the plates Ez instantly recognised it thanks to his magic memory.

"We also believe they might have used another car..." Miguel paused, gaining the attention of both groups, "...a 1969 White Ford Mustang, the plates, 6LEB986."

Bishop and Angel immediately tensed. They knew who's car that was, Esmerelda's.


"If they're on this side of the border, we'll find them." Alvarez said quickly cutting off Angel. Miguel's eyes scanned over the men in front of him. By the expressions on a few of their faces, they recognised the second car.

This had confirmed that his theory was correct. He assumed Alvarez was the only Mayan who knew his sister, as he was a long-time family friend. It seemed Miguel was wrong. The Mayans did know his sister.

"Gracias." He said, shaking hands with Alvarez and Bishop before both groups separated back to their vehicles.

"Hey, Bish–" Angel began, quickly getting cut off by his president.

"You open your fucking mouth again you're dead! You don't know what you're messing with here Angel!" Bishop snarled through clenched teeth, trying to hide his anger whilst Miguel's men were still around.

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