04: La Hermana.

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Waking up from her slumber, Esmerelda's eyes quickly scanned the room, groaning in disgust at the state it was in. Seeing the empty bottles on the floor, and feeling the throbbing pain in her head helped her remember last nights events.

When she left the clubhouse last night she just carried on walking, giving her time to clear her mind. That's when she stumbled into a bar and decided to drink away her sorrows. One drink lead to two drinks, two drinks lead to three drinks, and three drinks lead to a blackout. The last memory Esmerelda had was dancing on the bar, she didn't know how she got to the motel.

After changing into a clean set of clothes and packing up her bags, she was ready to leave. It was time for Esmerelda to go home.

She was searching through her bag unable to find her keys when she realised she had left her car at the graveyard. "Fuck..." she muttered under breath repeatedly, tossing her bag on top of her other one. Before she had the chance to mellow in her own annoyance, there was a knock at the door.

Esmerelda wasn't in the mood to interact with people today, so she ignored it hoping whoever it was would go away. They didn't, and the knocking only got louder.

She stood up, flinging the door open with a bang as she shouted. "What the fuck do yo–"

Nobody was there.
However, parked right in front of her motel room was her car.

Looking around she noticed the same hooded figure she had seen the day before, walking out of the parking lot. "Hey!" She shouted, watching the figure freeze before running out onto the street. She ran after them, but once she reached the street they were gone.

Esmerelda wasn't curious anymore, she was worried. The note they had left her last time lead to her being in the middle of a shootout. She had distanced herself from her family to stay away from the dangers behind their work. She wasn't about to let herself get pulled into the chaos due to her foolishness.

Walking over to the car, Esmerelda peeked inside to find the car keys on the driver's seat with a brown envelope beneath it.

Esmerelda opened the car door, putting her keys in her pocket and reading the note on the front of the envelope:

how does it feel to be home?

Opening the envelope, she was filled with shock, confusion, sadness, but mostly anger.

This new information had pulled more people she trusted into the web of lies. It had brought to light the fact that these lies weren't just a family matter anymore,
it was a club matter.


Arriving at the clubhouse, Esmerelda was instantly met by Angel. "Hola hermosa, you come by to shoot scene two?" He smirked. His comment about her dramatics yesterday caused a few giggles to escape her lips. Angel's greeting helped ease her nerves, as she had come to the clubhouse to confront Bishop.

"Well, I thought I'd teach you guys how it's really done." Esmerelda replied, now joining Angel in sitting at one of the picnic tables.

"What're you doing her Esme?" Angel asked, resting his arms on the table.

"I wanted to apologise after yesterday thou-"

"I don't mean the clubhouse, what are you doing in Santo Padre?"

Esmerelda's face was blank as Angel was trying to figure out her reaction, knowing the question could be risky.

"Honestly, I don't fucking know." She sighed running a hand through her hair. Angel smiled when he noticed it was back to her usual braids. He took out a cigarette, offering one to Esmerelda which she took.

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