Chapter 1: Ages ago...

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Hi this is a new story I'm writing so I hope you'll enjoy it!


*Kat’s POV*

I groaned at the heat magazine cover. I had tried to forget about him ages ago and the fact that he’s in one of the biggest boy bands at the moment didn’t help, but no, my bitch of a “friend” had to publish my story! My story not hers! Well it wasn’t entirely her fault I guess, more of her stupid boyfriends!

I’m Katherine Coleen Guest, but I prefer to be called Kat. I was born in Manchester but when my Dad got a new job so we moved to Mullingar in Ireland when I was 14.

I ended up meeting Niall Horan there. We become best friends all most instantly, and then eventually we become, you know, more than friends. I loved him but he obviously didn’t feel the same way. I ended up finding out he had been shoving his tongue down some blonde bimbo’s neck. He went on to do X factor and I made a new friend called Emma…

*Niall’s POV*

I groaned and opened my eyes to find an unhappy Simon Cowell looking down at me.

“Hi Simon,” I said nervously “I didn’t know you liked to creep on boy band members.”

I chuckled slightly, but Simon obviously didn’t find the joke funny.

“Niall Horan,” He said reaching into his coat pocket “care to explain this?”

I looked at the magazine cover, what that was ages ago, was she really still bothered?!

“That was ages ago!” I protested still starting at the magazine cover.

“Do you know how much this is going to ruin your image!” Simon shouted rolling his eyes.

“Simon I’m sorry,” I mumbled apologetically “I’ll try to get her to drop the story!”

“You better!” Simon said as he stormed out my bedroom door.

I sighed, I didn’t like angry Simon, and frankly he scared me.

I heard the front door slam and I groaned.

Knock, knock.

“Come in.” I sighed.

“You alright mate?” Zayn asked yawning; he had obviously just woken up too.

“Uhhh yea,” I said “just a little shocked.”

“I never knew you were the type to cheat.” Liam said, he obviously didn’t approve of what I had done.

“I’m not, I was 15!” I protested.

“Still.” Liam said as he walked out the room.

“Don’t worry Niall,” Harry said resting his hand on my shoulder sympathetically “Liam and Simon will soon get over it!”

I rolled my eyes and dragged myself out of bed.

“It’s not them to I’m worried about,” I said “it’s the fans!”

“We’ve all done bad things Nialler.” Louis reassured me.

I nodded, the first thing I needed to do today was find Kat, but obviously after my breakfast, I was starving!

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