Chapter 6: Complicated

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*Kat’s POV*

I sipped my coffee and glared at Niall.

“Kat I didn’t mean it.” Niall sighed.

“Mean what?” I asked bitterly, obviously remembering everything he put me through.

“Cheating on you with that silly crayon makeup bimbo girl.” He said frowning.

I chuckled slightly.

“What’s so funny?” Niall asked with a confused look on his face.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” I said bitterly.

“What can I do to make you forgive me?” Niall begged.

I bit my lip, he couldn’t really do anything.

I shrugged sighing.

“Tell me and I’ll do it.” He cried.

“You feel really bad about this don’t you?” I asked finishing my coffee.

“So bad.” He exclaimed.

“I- I, I forgive you.” I mumbled.

“Really?” he asked smiling a little.

“Really.” I sighed.

“Do you want to come back to my apartment and meet the boys then?” Niall asked smiling at me.

I smiled a little; if I went to his apartment I could see Harry.

“I’d love too.” I said smiling slightly.

“Great.” He chirped.

“The boys can be a bit crazy.” Niall warned me as he unlocked the door.

“How was it?” a voice asked.

I smiled a little.

“It went great!” I answered for Niall.

The boy looked gobsmacked.

Niall chuckled slightly.

“This is Louis.” Niall said pointing the brunette boy with very, very tight jeans.

I smiled and shook his hand.

“I’m Kat.” I said smiling.

“Nice to meet you Kat.” Louis said.

“Where are the rest of the lads?” Niall asked.

“Kitchen.” Louis said.

I followed Louis and Niall into the kitchen and my jaw dropped. It was so messy, does Niall not clean or something?!

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LOVELY, CLEAN KITCHEN!?” Niall screamed shocking me and Louis a bit.

“We were only making pancakes.” The dark haired boy answered.

“I told them not to make a mess!” The other brunette boy said, I think his name was Liam.

“I’m so sorry Nialler.” Harry pouted.

I giggled a bit.

“Can’t you hire a cleaner or something?” I asked.

“I guess.” Niall said.

“There’s no need, me, Zayn and Harry should clean.” The other brunette said.

Niall nodded and took me to the living room.

“Who were they?” I asked biting my lip nervously.

“The brunette was Liam, the dark haired boy was Zayn and you obviously know Harry from the restraint.” Niall answered.

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