Chapter 13: Pain

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*Niall’s POV*

I gulped and looked down ashamed, how pathetic is it to be beaten by a girl?!

“Why would you do that to yourself?” Liam asked confused.

It was now my time to be confused was he trying to ask why I let her do that to me? He was pinning the blame on me, how could he!

“I had no choice!” I shouted raising my fist in the air.

“What do you mean you had no choice?!” Liam snapped at me.

“She just beat me, I couldn’t stop her!” I shouted.

Liam and Kat’s facial expressions changed. Liam looked ashamed and Kat looked shocked.

“You couldn’t stop who?” Liam whispered.

“Leoni.” I muttered.

“Leoni beats you?” Liam asked.

I nodded, my face still free of any emotion.

“Why?” Kat whispered looking into my eyes.

For a moment I got lost in those big blue orbs but soon snapped out of it and answered her question.

“I don’t know.” I answered truthfully; I looked at the ground avoiding any eye contact. I was ashamed and humiliated. All of a sudden Leoni burst through the door.

“Hi babes!” She said cheerfully reaching for a big hug.

I groaned as she hugged my stomach, the pain starting again. Leoni glared at me, signalling me to stop moaning. I smiled weakly at her not wanting any more pain.

Leoni leaned in for a kiss and I didn’t stop her, I kissed her back. The kiss was rough and not full of any passion of any type.


I looked up to find Kat had stormed out. I looked at Liam confused and he just shook his head.

“Who was that/” Leoni asked twirling her cheap hair extensions around her grubby little fingers.

“Liam’s new girlfriend!” I blurted out.

“Oh, what happened to Danielle?” Leoni asked.

“We broke up.” Liam said, going along with my plan.

“Oh I’m so sorry Liam!” Leoni said.

Liam rolled his eyes at her.

“You don’t care.” Liam said through gritted teeth. I edged further away from Leoni sensing that something violent was going to happen.

“What did you just say?!” Leoni hissed.

“You don’t care about anyone, especially not Niall. You just want his money. That’s why you hit him.” Liam said crossing his arms against his chest.

I gulped and looked at Leoni. She looked at me in complete shock and started walking towards me.

“You little snitch!” She shouted raising her fist. I groaned in agony as she beat me. I fell to the floor and screamed as the pain became more and more vivid. Liam grabbed Leoni by the neck and rammed her into the wall.

“Get out!” He shouted.

Leoni rolled her eyes and walked out.

I lay on the floor still, still in pain, still emotionless.

“Thanks for going along with me Liam.” I said as Liam bandaged the cuts up.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“When you said you and Danielle broke up.” I explained.

Liam looked at me and began to burst into tears.

“What’s up mate?” I asked patting his back.

“We did, she dumped me.” Liam cried.

I hugged him and began to wipe away his tears with the sleeve of my jumper. Today had definitely been an interesting day.

*Kat’s POV*

I gasped in horror as Leoni smashed her lips onto Nialls, it took a lot of strength not to go up and punch her. She hurt Niall and he still loved her and kissed her like nothing had happened. I couldn’t take this anymore, this was all my fault!

“Ughh!” I cried out in frustration banging my fists on the apartment building wall.

“So you’re Liam’s girlfriend?” A voice sneered.

I turned around to find a very cocky looking Leoni.

“What do you mean?” I hissed.

“You replaced Danielle!” She shouted.

“What no, I’m just a friend of the boys, Niall’s ex girlfriend.” I exclaimed.

“So you’re Kat.” She said her voice getting angrier and angrier each second.

I moved up closer to her and looked her in the eyes, showing her I wasn’t scared.

“What about it.” I whisper yelled.

Leoni raised her fist and hit me straight in the jaw.

“Bitch!” I screamed whilst pushing her to the ground.

“Ha, I’m the bitch?” She sneered punching me in the stomach.

“You’re the one that hurt Niall.” I shouted digging my nails into her back.

She yelped in pain before she slapped me. I grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

I dragged her to the wall and pushed her up against it.

“You’re going to pay for that!” Leoni shouted.

“Oh yeah!” I said punching her in the stomach.

“Oh yes.” Leoni said wincing because of the pain. She drew out a sharp knife and stabbed me straight in the stomach.

“Aghh!” I screamed as I fell to the ground. Darkness….




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