Chapter 4: Nandos, love, jealousy...

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*Niall’s POV*

“Nandos!” I screamed as Harry pulled up in the car park.

The boys laughed, they were obviously happy I was back to my usual happy old self, although I couldn’t help but wonder if Kat wouldn’t drop the story. But she was one of those people who forgave people very easily.

“The Nialler is back baby!” Liam cried.

I chuckled

“Hell yeah,” I exclaimed as I opened the car door and ran to nandos “Let’s do this!”

The boys followed me in and we ran to the nearest booth.

“So what are you gonna order Nialler me boy?” Louis asked grinning.

“Peri-peri chicken.” I replied quickly without even looking at the menu.

“A whole chicken?” Zayn asked raising his eyebrows at me.

“Yup.” I said popping the p.

“Niall you may not be the brightest spark but oh boy you can eat!” Harry laughed.

All of a sudden a really pretty waitress appeared, she was breathtaking. With shoulder length blonde hair, sparkly blue eyes and the perfect smile. I couldn’t stop staring at her.

“Niall?” she asked.

“Yes.” I said winking.

“It’s Kat.” She said smirking.

My jaw dropped.

*Kat’s POV*

“You forgave him?!” Clarisse asked.

“Yep,” I replied “I didn’t want to but my mum was sort of begging me to.”

“Why?” Clarisse asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders, I was just as confused as Clarisse was.

Clarisse was one of my best friends, apart from Emma, if I could still call her a best friend.

Clarisse had long wavy hair, which was some shade of purple. She looked very small and cute even though she was actually quite feisty.

“Would you girls stop gossiping and get back to work!?” Matt our boss said.

I rolled my eyes.

“Talk to you later Clarisse.” I said smiling.

“Why don’t you go and take their order?” Matt asked pointing over to a booth full of loud boys. Oh god was that Niall?

I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. I walked over to the table.

“Niall?” I asked.

“Yes.” He said winking at me.

I started smirking, Niall was always a bit of a flirt but not this bad.

“It’s Kat.” I said still smirking.

“Oh, uhh, hi Kat.” He said blushing like crazy.

“So can I take your order?” I asked.

*Niall’s POV*

I couldn’t believe it! Was that really Kat? What happened to her? She looked… HOT!

Wait did I fancy Kat? I smirked, of course I didn’t and even if I did she defiantly wouldn’t like me back. Wait, why did those words hurt.

“Hello?” a heard a voice call.

I stopped thinking and looked up.

“Oh yeah I’ll have the, urr.” I mumbled I couldn’t think, I was speechless.

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“He’ll have the Peri-Peri chicken.” Harry answered for me smiling at Kat.

She smiled back.

What did she like Harry? I glared at Harry and he laughed.

“Too share?” Kat asked still looking at Harry.

The rest of the boys burst out laughing and Kat looked really confused.

“Did you two really date?!” Louis asked.

“Yep.” Kat said frowning.

“It isn’t to share.” Liam replied politely.

“Oh ok.” Kat said.

“I’ll have the Peri-Peri chicken wings please,” Harry side “with a side order of you.” He said winking.

I choked on the air, why was Harry flirting so badly with her.

Kat blushed and wrote down the order.

“I’ll have the same as Harry please.” Liam said.

“I’ll have the beanie wrap please.” Zayn said.

“And can I have the chicken breast burger please.” Louis said.

“Ok,” Kat said smiling “drinks?”

“Coke please.” Harry said.

“Same for me thanks,” Louis said “Infact I think we’ll all have the same.” He looked around and received nods of the rest of the boys.

“Actually I’ll have a diet coke please.” I said

“Diet?” Harry asked shocked.

“Yes!” I hissed back.

Kat raised her eyebrows at how rude I was.

“They won’t be long.” She said as she walked away.

“I’m sorry Harry.” I sighed.

“It’s ok mate.” Harry replied smiling.

“Does little Niall have a crush?” Louis teased me as he pinched my cheeks.

The boys laughed and I glared at them. I defiantly didn’t have a crush on Kat! Or did I?

*Harry’s POV*

Kat was gorgeous, I wonder why Niall cheated on her. I could tell by the way he was glaring at me when I flirted with her that he was defiantly regretting it now. He was obviously starting to develop a little crush on her. Why was I so jealous?


Awww little nialler has a crush! But wait Kat dosen't like him back, or does she? Harry obviously  likes Kat so maybe she likes him? Confusing much?

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