Chapter 2: Easy Forgiveness

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*Kat’s POV*

Ring Ring!

I walked out of the kitchen and went to answer the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Uhh hi Kat.” A familiar voice said.

“Who’s this?” I asked biting my lip nervously.

“It’s uhh Niall Horan.” The voice mumbled.

“Niall?” I asked.

“Yep.” Niall replied slowly.

“Who gave you my number!” I hissed.

“I called up your mum and asked for it.” He replied.

“How do you still have that number?” I asked.

“Well uhh I kind of kept your phone number,” he replied slowly “you were my best friend Kat.”

“If your calling about the story then it wasn’t me!” I shouted as I slammed the phone down.

Ughh! He had no right to just call me like that! It had been 3 years and when he finally calls me it’s when his careers in trouble! I sighed and went to turn the TV on.

“In other news tonight, is Niall Horan a perfect sweetheart or cheating love rat?” an annoying TV presenter said.

“Aghh!” I cried in frustration. Loads of people get cheated on, why was this such a big deal?!

Knock Knock!

Had my mum given Niall my address as well? I thought for a second wondering if I should open the door or not and eventually opened it

“Kat!” Emma cried.

“Go away!” I shouted as I slammed the door back in her face.

“Kat,” she said banging on the door “I’m so sorry!”

“You should be!” I hissed back.

“I was a bitch!” she said.

I bit my lip and unlocked the door.

“Come in.” I sighed.

She nodded and walked in.

“I broke up with Morgan.” She said.

I just stood there with my mouth open for like a billion years, she broke up with Morgan!? Morgan had been her boyfriend for 2 years, she loved him.

“Uhh Kat,” she said awkwardly pointing my mouth “you look like a goldfish.”

I blushed and shut my mouth.

“Wh-why?” I asked in shock.

“For you Kat,” she replied smiling.

I sighed.

“You didn’t have to.” I said staring at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

“I know I didn’t,” she said “but you’re more important.”

I smiled a little and went over to hug her.

Was It really for me?

*Niall’s POV*

“How did it go?” Zayn asked looking at the phone.

“Uhh not good.” I replied scratching the back of my neck nervously.

“You gotta keep trying man.” Zayn sighed.

I nodded. But I wasn’t going to call her again, I was going to go give her a little visit…


Hi its Gabby!

Do you think Emma really broke up with Morgan for Kat?

And what do you think Kat will do when she sees Niall just turn up at her doorstep!?

Remember to vote, comment and fangirl over me!


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