Chapter 9: Third time lucky

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*Kat’s POV*

Ok the reason why I didn’t buy magazines wasn’t because I was some freak it was because one direction were practically in every magazine. I know that probably sounds like I hate them, I don’t, never did really. It just hurt to see how far Niall had come when all I was thinking was how he didn’t deserve it. Wow that sounded bitchey. It’s just the way he was portrayed. He wasn’t the sweet Irish blonde everyone thought he was and he would always be the stupid cheat I knew two years ago. I bit my lip at Louis’ and Harry’s facial expressions. I knew they thought I was crazy but I had a perfectly good reason not to buy them, right?

“Chill guys!” I chuckled nervously.

They began to smile again and I relaxed, although I had a feeling Harry would question me about it later.

“We’re back!” Clarisse called out as she exit her room holding hands with Niall.

I raised my eyebrows at them, why were they holding hands. Kat saw what I was looking at and immediately dropped his hand.

“Hi Niall.” I said waving; I stood there awkwardly waiting for a reply.

Niall smiled slightly and waved back. I wonder what was bothering the boy so much; we had been fine before I asked for Harry’s number. I mean I had a feeling he was jealous, but avoiding me was a bit much. After all I had just forgiven him for breaking my heart and I dropped the story.

“Kat.” Clarisse said walking over to me.

“Clarisse.” I said curiously.

“Can I speak to you for a bit?” she asked motioning for us to leave the room.

I nodded and left the room with her.

“What’s up doll?” I asked running my fingers through my sandy blonde hair.

“Niall.” She said smiling slightly.

“Oh god, you don’t fancy him do you?” I asked rolling my eyes slightly. Clarisse looked hurt at how mean I was being and shook her head.

“What, no! He likes you Kat.” She said placing her hand on my shoulder.

“I knew that.” I sighed.

“No, I mean, he really likes you, so I kind of.” She started but didn’t finish.

“You kind of what?” I asked glaring at her, I knew what she said next wasn’t going to be good.

“I said you would get to know him.” She blurted out.

I bit my lip, Niall seemed really nice now, better then he was at 16 that’s for sure.

“Ok.” I said smiling.

“Ok?” she asked shocked.

“Yep, and you better tell him that before I change my mind!” I joked.

Melissa nodded grinning and ran out of the room. I mean what harm can getting to know the boy do?

“You’re jealous of me?!” I giggled. I can’t believe Niall Horan was jealous of me!

“Yeah, I mean you have one of the coolest jobs ever!” He laughed smiling at me, wow his smile was gorgeous.

“I work at Nandos.” I pointed out raising my eyebrows.

“I know, that must be amazing!” Niall chuckled.

I laughed, tears almost coming out of my eyes it was that funny.

“Wow, did I make you cry?” Niall asked concerned.

I giggled and shook my head.

“No, you just made me laugh so hard!” I chuckled.

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