Chapter 5: Goodbye old friends, hello new ones?

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*Kat’s POV*

“What are you doing today?” Emma asked me.

“Clarisse is coming over and then I’m meeting Niall.” I answered from my laptop.

“Ughhh Clarisse is so annoying!” Emma whined.

I rolled my eyes, Emma was so rude sometimes.

“Well she’s my friend!” I snapped back.

Emma saw the angriness in my eyes and changed the subject.

“What cha doin?!” she asked in an annoying voice.

“Shopping.” I answered.

“What for?” she asked still using the incredibly annoying voice.

“Clothes.” I answered.

“Ooooh can you get me some?” she asked.

I chuckled a bit and then realised she was serious.

“No, go get them yourself!” I hissed rolling my eyes. She was really getting on my nerves.

“Why are you so moody today?” Emma asked glaring at me.

“Hmm, let me think,” I snapped “maybe because you published my most embarrassing story for some stupid money and you keep acting like a bitch, annoying me with that constant chunnering down my ear, and you keep making fun of my friends, who were always better friends than you’ve ever been!” I shouted and ran upstairs.

I heard alot of  crying and the front door slam. Yeah fuck off back to Morgan.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Clarisse’s number.

“I never liked her.” Clarisse said sipping her coffee.

I nodded slightly.

“Emma was always a complete bitch to you,” Clarisse said rolling her eyes "I honestly don't know how you ever put up with her!"

I laughed slightly.

“She’s probably going to get back with Morgan now.” I sighed.

“The poor bastards deserve each other.” Clarisse chuckled.

I laughed and nodded.

“So when are you going to meet Niall?” Clarisse asked.

I checked my watch, 2:00pm.

“In about an hour.” I replied biting my lip.

“Are you nervous?” Clarisse asked.

“A bit.” I answered.

A bit? I was totally nervous!

“You should probably forgive him.” Clarisse said taking a sip out of coffee.

I almost spit out my own coffee. Since when did Clarisse change her mind?

“What, why?!” I asked.

“If you forgive Niall,” she said grinning “then you can get with Harry.”

This time I actually did spit out my coffee.

“Why would I want to “get with” Harry?” I asked blushing air quoting the words get with.

“I saw you two flirting at work.” She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“W- we, we weren’t!” I said blushing even more.

“Well Harry defiantly likes you.” Clarisse replied putting her coffee down.

Why did those words make me smile so much?

*Niall’s POV*

I leaned my back against the wall and checked my watch. I sighed, she was fifteen minutes late! I got out my phone and dialled her home phone.

“Hello?” an unfamiliar voice answered.

“Hi, is Kat there?” I asked checking my watch again.

“Yeah, wait who is speaking?” the voice asked.

“Niall I replied.”

“Ok I’ll just go get her.” The voice answered.

“Kat the cheat is calling!” I heard the voice say in the background.

“Ok coming!” I heard Kat’s voice say.

“Hi Niall.” Kat answered.

“Hi Kat, your seventeen minutes late!” I said.

“Oh sorry, I’ll come now.” Kat mumbled.

“Ok.” I sighed.

“See you soon Niall.” She answered.


My jaw dropped as I saw Kat walk my way, she was wearing black skinny jeans and a cream coloured jumper. With her white blonde hair pulled into a pony tail.

“Hi Niall.” She said glaring at me slightly.

“Hi Kat,” I replied smiling nervously at her “you look nice.”

“Thanks.” she replied and walked straight past me and into starbucks.

I took a deep breath and followed her inside.

“How was it?” Louis asked me as soon as I walked in.

“It went great.” Kat answered for me shocking Louis.


Eh? Are they friends now? Or is Kat just using Niall for Harry?

Aghhh confused

Remember to vote, comment and fangirl over me!


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