Chapter 7: You Never Really Can Fix A Heart

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Hey Guys! Sorry I havn't updated in such a long time! I've been busy withs school etc. Sorry this chapter is a bit crap and short but I had writers block. So yeah sorry if it's a bit too dramatic!


*Niall’s POV*

Wait, where you say you've been?

Who you been with?

Where you say you're goin'?

Who you goin' with?

Keep me on my toes,

keep me in the know.

I groaned as I woke up to the sound of my ring tone blaring. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. Who would call me at 5:00 am? I looked at the caller ID and my jaw dropped. Kat was calling me?! I immediately picked up.

“Hi!” I chirped cheerfully.

“Hi Niall.” Kat giggled.

“Is there a reason you woke me up?” I chuckled.

“Oh god sorry, I had to get up for work, I guess I just figured everyone else would be up too!” she said apologetically.

“Oh no it’s fine,” I reassured her “why do you have to get up so early for nandos though?”

“Oh they do this silly breakfast thing.” Kat said.

“Nando breakfast?!” I  asked with wide eyes, how did I not know they did that!

“Yep.” Kat giggled.

“So anyway, you called?” I laughed.

“Oh yeah, I was just wanted to know if you could give me Harry’s number.” She rushed out.

At that moment, my heart literally broke again (If that’s even possible). The girl I loved was obviously in love with another boy. Ughh everyone always liked Harry, what was wrong with me! I clenched my eyes shut, I couldn’t cry, not now.

“Niall?” Kat asked confused.

I hung up and cried myself back to sleep.

*Louis’ POV*

I got woken up by the sound of crying, I bit my lip confused and walked around to see if I could hear the noise. I frowned as I ended up outside Niall’s room. Wow, this was bad, he was normally so happy! He was defiantly the happiest in the band. I was about to the knock on but stopped. The boy needed to get it out, I would question him tomorrow…

*Kat’s POV*

What the hell? Niall hung up?! I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag. Once a jerk, always a jerk.

“Hey doll!” Clarisse said as I walked into Nandos.

“Sup Girlfriend!” I laughed.

“You’re late!” My boss said glaring at me. I work in nandos not for the CSI what was the big deal.

“One minute!” I protested rolling my eyes slightly.

“Still late.” Matt said.

I bit my lip and forced a smile.

“Sorry boss.” I said gritting my teeth.

Matt rolled his eyes at me and Clarisse and walked over to yell at Andrew.

“Cranky much!” I said raising my eyebrows.

Clarisse laughed.

“So did you get Harry’s number?” Clarisse asked.

“Nope.” I said popping the p.

“You did ask Niall didn’t you?” Clarisse asked confused.

“Yeah I asked and he hung up.” I said rolling my eyes.

Clarisse giggled.

“What!” I snapped.

“Kat isn’t it obvious?” she asked still giggling.

“Isn’t what obvious!” I demanded.

“Niall is like head over heels in love with you!” Clarisse said.

“No, no he just fancies me!” I protested.

Clarisse pat my shoulder.

“Sure he does!” she chuckled.

I looked at her confused but she just laughed and walked away to take someone’s order.

Oh no, he was jealous…

*Niall’s POV*

I wiped away the tears and walked into the kitchen.

“Hi mate, you ok?” Louis asked smiling slightly.

I looked around to see if the other boys were listening.

I broke into tears again. Louis took me into his room and sat me down.

What’s up?” Louis asked concerned.

“Kat.” I said.

“Are you deeply in love with her?” Louis asked.

“It’s just she loves Harry.” I stopped talking; I’m sure by now Louis knew now why I was so upset.

“Sophia.” Louis said slowly.

I nodded and wiped away more tears.

I had loved Sophia with all my heart, I thought she loved me back, the way she sent me flirty messages, hinted at us dating, I thought for sure she liked me back! I was so wrong; she was in love with Harry all along. They dated and Harry ended up dumping her after he met Christina. She had picked Harry over me, the pain I had gone through, I didn’t want to go through it again. I had to stay away from Kat, and Harry did as well. I wasn’t going through all that again! It would damage me….

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