Chapter 12: Harmed Emotions

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*Kat’s POV*

 I wiped away the remains of my tears and smiled a weak smile at Liam.

“He loved you Kat.” Liam said.

The word ‘loved’ hurt me so bad, I knew this was all my fault, I should of taken the risk.

“Yeah now he has Leoni.” I said quietly, I spat out the word Leoni like it was poison.

“Would you like to come back to ours?” Liam asked with hope in his eyes.

“No thanks.” I sighed getting up, I placed my ear phones back in my ears and started to walk away.

“If you truly loved Niall you’d win him back!” Liam shouted after me.

I turned around.

“Taking him away from his new girlfriend and the one he loves now isn’t fair.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“I never said he loved her.” Liam admitted walking closer towards me.

“But you said he loved me.” I whispered, emphasising the word loved.

“Yeah he did love you,” Liam said taking my hand “but now he doesn’t love anyone, he’s broken”

“I don’t want to be his rebound.” I said looking into Liams eyes.

“My mum once told me that the biggest mistakes you make are the risks you weren’t willing to take.” Liam said.

I thought about it for a while before deciding on my answer. I didn’t want to grow up thinking what I could of done, but actually do it now I had the chance.

“I’ll go.” I said.

Liam smiled at me reassuringly and lead me to his car.

“So Liam,” I said whilst putting my seatbelt on “you never told me what was on your mind that you had to clear.”

Liam took a deep breath.

“Me and Danielle broke up earlier today.” He said.

I didn’t say anything as he drove off to the one I love.

*Niall’s POV*

I drummed my finger nails on the kitchen counter top and sighed. I clenched my eyes shut and winced at the stabbing pain in my stomach. Me and Leoni had had a bit of a disagreement last night which resulted in her hitting me again. Every time I felt no emotions but just the physical pain. I felt no tears about to fall but blood about to pour. The boys had noticed me in constant pain but I said it was a tummy ache. I don’t think Louis believed me but the rest of the boys seemed to. I glanced at the clock again, Leoni had gone round to her mates for a movie but she didn’t seem to be coming back any time soon. I took a quick glance of my reflection on the kitchen counter top and gasped. My cheeks were extremely hollow and I was beginning to become stick thin. My face stayed emotion less and I continued to day dream.


I leaned in and closed my eyes, this was it. I can’t believe I was about to kiss Kat! Hot beautiful, amazing Kat! It was like a dream and I never wanted to wake up. I crashed my lips against hers and they moved in perfect sync. Eventually she pulled away breathless with a worried look on her face.

“Sorry Kat.” I muttered.

“No it’s not all your fault.” She stuttered.

I nodded whilst looking down at my shoes, avoiding eye contact.

“Niall.” Kat blurted out.

I looked at me with hope in my eyes, I wanted her to say how she loved the kiss and how she loved me.

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