Chapter 10: Made A Mistake

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Ok , don't hate me for this!!!


*Kat’s POV*

I pulled away, shocked at my actions. I stood there gawping at Niall. Why did I just kiss him! Niall did the same staring at me his mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ shape.

“Sorry Kat.” He muttered scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I shook my head sighing; it hadn’t all been his fault. I kissed him back, I did nothing to stop it, I loved it!

“No it’s not all your fault.” I stuttered.

Niall nodded looking down at his shoes, avoiding eye contact.

“Niall.” I blurted out.

He looked at me with hope in his eyes, he looked like he wanted me to say something, I hope what I was about to say was what he wanted.

“Niall. I- I-” I mumbled.

“Yes Kat.” He whispered tilting my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes.

I gulped, here goes.

“I- I lo- I have to go!” I sighed running away from the club.

I heard Niall scream my name, but by the time he had a chance of catching up to me I was already hiding behind the corner.

What had I just done, I was about to tell him. I had wanted to tell him for a while. Confess my true feelings. But I just couldn’t, I was a coward, a big one.

I woke up and frowned, remembering what had happened last night. I picked up my sleek blackberry from my bedside table and scrolled through my messages. Wow I had 45 text messages and 21 missed calls. 20 missed calls from Niall and 37 texts from him. I read through all the messages and sighed.

Hey kat, It’s Nialler, sorry about the kiss it meant nothing, really! N xx

My heart broke a little at this sentence, I loved him. My bottom lip started trembling. Normally I could fight back the tears, keep them under control. My heart had been broken plenty of times before. But this time was different. I was actually in love with Niall Horan. He however, obviously didn’t feel the same way. I let the tears stream down my face as I read the rest of the messages.

Please be my friend still! N xx

Why you are upset, you obviously don’t like me back N xx

Well you just don’t like me, you get what I mean! N xx

Please reply N xx

Fine, I’ll just keep spamming you ;) N x

I quickly scrolled through to my last message because I couldn’t handle the constant feeling of rejection. The last message shocked me a bit, and made me very curious.

Kat, I can’t really text you my true feelings, but I have a feeling you don’t want to talk to me, so I left you a voice mail. Please listen to it, N xxx

My fingers were trembling, fresh teas were already falling down my face, I just couldn’t take anymore rejection. I was going to cut Niall out of my life; I was going to move on. No more voice mails, no more texts, no more calls. I clicked on the delete contact button, I deleted all the messages, I blocked the number. Niall was officially out of my life.

~2 years later~

I rolled my eyes at my best friend.

“What!” Clarisse giggled looking through the range of different fabrics laid out on her lap.

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