
103 8 17


September 2010

Los Angeles


I looked up at the small, shabby apartment building of what should be Austin's address. Waiting for a few cars to pass before I could cross the street, I read the address in his text again, checking the street name. While driving up here I had ran the passed week through me head over and over again;

Austin meeting me for coffee. Him telling me he was going to divorce Gielle. Our movie date, him coming home with me. The Chinese we had ordered and the alcohol we had consumed. Our fight about the feelings we had for each other and my accusation of him still picking Gielle over me. The drunk make up sex we had after that, my first time ever. Him being gone the next morning without a word for almost a week, and the fight I'd had with Lillian over all this. Me finding Austin's wedding ring between the cushions of my couch, which he had taken off before we had sex, and him calling me up yesterday only to invite me for his birthday this weekend. And here I was again, meeting Austin just because he asked me to.

When I reached the building, I ran up a few flights of stairs and searched for the right door, knocking when I found it. I quickly straightened my hair and shirt a bit before the door opened. Austin smiled widely at me when he saw it was me.

'Hey!,' he said excitedly while his long arms wrapped around me. My heart skipped a few beats and I could hardly breathe when his scent reached my nose. I hugged him back and hid my face in his chest. I had missed him a lot and I almost told him, but I swallowed the words just in time. I didn't want to seem too clingy or dramatic. 'How are you? How was your drive here?' He let go of me and took my bag from my hands, letting me in.

'Eh... I'm okay. Drive was fine. A little hot though, since my airco broke.' My eyes trailed around the small apartment, avoiding him at every cost. I had been wanting to see him so badly, but now I was with him it was hard to look at him. Memories of his hands all over my body and the sensation that the rhythm of his lovemaking caused me to feel burned up my cheeks and I hid my face behind my hair.

'You want a drink? Please, sit down,' Austin said, pointing at the couch. I did as he said and listened to him making his way in the kitchen until he came up to me and handed me a glass of water. 'So... Cait?' I hesitantly looked at him when he sat down next to me. 'I want to apologize again for last week. I'm sorry. I know I should've at least texted you or something.'

'It's alright,' I choked out. Austin bit his lip and nodded.

'Good...' He took a sip of his drink and put his glass on the table, staring at me. My fingers tightened around my glass and I looked around the living room again. There were a few unpacked boxes and the more I looked around, the more I realized that he hadn't been living here for that long.

'I thought you told me you had a dog,' I said in an attempt to change the subject. Austin huffed sadly.

'I did, but Gielle took it with her.'

'Oh...' I also took a sip of my water and brought my eyes back to him. He looked a little sad and off, just like when we met last week. 'So how's your week been?' Austin sighed and placed his feet on the table, leaning back in the couch while eyeing at me.

'Busy,' he answered. 'Got my stuff from our house and moved in here. It's temporary, but it just... It sucks. But we both got a lawyer, so we should be done with the whole circus anytime soon.' He shrugged. 'How've you been?' His question caught me off guard and I looked at him in surprise, contemplating whether or not I should tell him the truth.

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