Chapter 2

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924 AF1 - Third Person POV

The white tiled floors carried the sound of footsteps. (y/n) couldn't help but detest the echoes. His footsteps sounded too harsh and sharp to the ear. The halls carried the sounds down the hall with an unnerving edge.

As the duo walked down the hall, (y/n) could make out the sounds of a few residents' sorrows. A low sobbing and unusual scratching sounds were some of the off noises he picked up on. He'd been in the hospital for under ten minutes and he already wants out.

"This is the wing you'll be staying. You'll have the ability to roam freely in the hospital unless the area is marked as staff only or restricted." Miss. Arc stops in front of a metal door and pushes it open.

(y/n) quickly reacts to the harsh creaking sound the intimidating door made as it swung on its hinges. He mentally notes the plaque displaying the number 14 and the small window at eye level on the door. "What's with the peephole?"

"Safety reasons. There're some people who need to be under strict watch. It helps us check on certain people without disrupting them."

"I see..." (y/n) scratched the back of his head. "So privacy is..."

"Rather limited, unfortunately..." (y/n) lets out a small sigh. "But of course, some patients are granted more privacy than others."

"And how much do I get?"

"Depends on how your assessments go." Miss. Arc motions into the room and (y/n) enters.

When I take a step in, I immediately take in my surroundings. A small metal-framed cot lines one wall while a small metal cabinet is seen drilled on the opposite side. Across from the door was a small window just above head height.

"A sense of freedom, I supposed." (y/n)'s small banter reaches a dead end when he notices the "sense of freedom" extends 5 feet before reaching another brick wall. He turns to Miss. Arc with a half smile. "Nice view."

Miss Arc. responds with a forced chuckle.

"Somehow this is more depressing than I thought it would be..." (y/n) sighed and sat down onto the metal bed. He tossed the patient scrubs down beside him and took in the feeling of the room. He leaned back on his hands behind him and felt a strange sensation run along his hand. Something rough to the touch grazed it. He picked up the pillow that sat on the bed. It was an odd texture. (y/n) ran his hand along the pillowcase before checking the contents inside. "Is this pillow made of plastic?"

Miss. Arc frowned slightly at the question. "Cotton-polymer blend. It's to prevent suffocation."

(y/n) stared at the pillow in disbelief. He drops the lump of plastic and lets out a sad sigh. "Oh Oum... I think this was a mistake..."

"It's this or prison, (y/n)."

He lets out a small chuckle in response to Miss. Arc's light jab. "Good point."

Miss. Arc sits down next to (y/n) on the bed and gives him a sympathetic smile. "I know it's not much, (y/n). The room's here for you to store your belongings and sleep. You're here to recover and sometimes we need to take... precautions..."

(y/n) runs a hand through his hair. "Can I at least lock the door?"

Miss. Arc's lips purse a little and (y/n) quickly picks up on it.

"It's for saf-"

"Safety. Yeah, I got it." (y/n) cuts her off. "Can't have patients locking themselves inside, right?"

"Exactly. These dorms are rarely locked. Only when it's necessary."

"Like when?" 

"Violent psychiatric episodes mostly. We'll lock the door if their medication isn't working or taking effect. Not everyone wants to stay, so sometimes we need to force them..." Miss. Arc's voice trailed off at the end. It was clear she didn't like the idea of using force against the patients. "Those occasions are really rare though. We really want patients to feel free here. It might look like a prison cell, but it's not, it's a hospital. We aren't security guards, we're here to help you."

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