Chapter G-16

292 16 1

924 AF1.9 - Third Person POV

"So, how'd it go with the board?" (y/n) asked Emerald.

Emerald averted her eyes and sat next to (y/n) on the bed. "Um..." The doctor paused and (y/n) could hear the words that were about to leave her mouth. "There's good news and bad news..."

"Tell me the good news."

"You'll be leaving the hospital tomorrow."

"And the bad?"

A pause hung between the two sitting on the rickety bed. Emerald stared at the ground and (y/n) stared at her intently. "Well...?"

"You're going to be... transferred..." Emerald bit her lip as the words exited her mouth.

(y/n)'s brow furrowed. "To where?"

Emerald turned away and held back a tear.



(y/n)'s POV

Every day since Emerald broke the news had been glum. My body felt heavy. My mind felt empty. My world felt dull.

Today's the day, huh?

I readjust myself in the uncomfortable bed as dread weighs me down. My face remains down on the plastic pillow, completely blocking my vision. 

What am I going to do?


Wait for a tech to come knocking on the door?

Wait for them to drag me out of this cell and into a new one?

Wait for them to transport me from one hellhole into another?

Footsteps of a technician assigned to this section walked past my room, tiled halls carrying the sound loud and clear.

That's the tech that's going to be bearing the bad news. 

That's the tech that's going to drag me out of here.

That's the tech that's going to throw me in pr-

A metallic click in the room's door pushed me out of my thoughts.



I pulled my face out of the pillow and looked up at the source of the voice.

"Em?" She stood there backlit by the dingy fluorescent lighting from the hallway. "What are you doing here?"

Emerald quickly entered the room and quietly closed the door behind her. She lifted a finger to her lips before whispering. "We're getting out of here."

"Wait, what do you me-"


Emerald sat down on the bed and started fiddling with her hair. She bit her lip as her face showed signed of nervousness. "Em, what's going on?"

She opened her mouth to start talking, but before she could speak, a knocking sound was heard from the small window. We both looked up to see a weird metal rod-like contraption with a claw on each end hanging from a rope. Emerald's eyes lit up as she jumped off the bed and to the window. 

"What is that?" I watched as Emerald started messing with the device.

"You'll see." She clamped the claws onto the bars and pressed a few buttons. "Merc made this."

The device started making a strange hissing sound as the mechanisms started moving. The metal rod started extending and prying the bars open.


The rod eventually stopped moving as the bars were pushed to the side.

"And now we move." Em climbed up and out of the window, leaving me behind.

Not wanting to be stuck here any longer, I followed her through the window. The light from the outside world immediately struck my eyes. The bright world was a refreshing change from the drab hospital environment. Replacing the horrid screams with sounds of the calm breeze. Out with the concrete walls and in with the open landscape. This was something I missed. Of course, we're still within the compound, stuck between the main building and the brick wall that stood four feet away from my tiny window.

"(y/n)." A hushed call for attention came from Emerald. "This way." She walked down the alleyway to a short maintenance ladder attached to the wall and climbed up. "Let's go."

Not wanting to waste any time, I followed suit. Once I reached the top, I looked out to see the landscape start to expand a little more. A few more trees came into view. A few more cars, buildings, people, all of it.

"And this is (y/n)." 

I turned around to see Emerald introducing me to someone who was already familiar. Mercury Black. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a track jacket. Casual to say the least. But then again, he was never a suit and tie kind of guy either. "How's it going, Merc?"

"Wait, you again?" Mercury scratched his head as he looked me up and down. His face was clearly perplexed.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Emerald questioned Mercury.

"I thought you didn't know someone named (y/n)?" Mercury quipped back.

The two bickered and questioned each other endlessly for another few minutes. I simply stood back and took in the situation. Emerald and Mercury, friends and, at the same time, worst enemies. Somehow, things never change between these two. The constant fighting, the petty squabbles, nothing's new here. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

"Anyways!" Emerald cut the questioning session short, "Since we're acquainted now, let's get going."

"Let's get going? Where? How?" I asked Emerald. "We're on top of the hospital and there's probably security around the area."

"Relax, man. I've got that covered." From his back pocket, Mercury pulls out twin revolvers. "Borrowed these from a friend."

"We aren't shooting out way out, are we?"

"Of course not." Mercury brings the two weapons together to turn it into a larger platform. He then drops it on the ground and stands on it. 

"A hoverboard?" Emerald asks, sounding slightly disappointed. "You didn't take it from Reese, did you?"

"Of course not!" Mercury spins around us a few times, playing around with the board on his feet. "I asked her."

"Whatever. Anyways, how are we supposed to use that to get out of here?" Emerald questioned. "You do realize that's made for one person, right?"

A silence followed.


Third Person POV

The trio eventually made their way down from the hospital. Nimbly, they all sat on the poor hoverboard and silently descended down from the structure and into the parking lot. There, Emerald was spotted by the receptionist from her post cramming (y/n) into the trunk of her vehicle, thus raising the alarms.

A car chase ensued.

Mercury called Cinder saying he and Emerald might be coming home late that night.

Emerald sped through the city into the night.

(y/n) was thrown around in the trunk.

All was good.

All was right.


The Great Escape

Memories - An AU Emerald x M!Reader book (Multiverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now