Chapter 4

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216 BF4 - Third Person POV

"(y/n)... stop..."

(y/n) groans as he pushed his head into the soft green hair that belonged to his girlfriend. "Stop what?" His voice, due to just waking up, came out a little raspy.

"Wrapping your legs around mine..." Emerald's voice also struggled to escape her sleepy lips. A barely audible whisper was all that made it out of her. Her chest tightened a bit when (y/n) decided to hug Emerald tighter around the waist, bringing the two closer together.

"But it's so comfy... mmmm..." The man continued to run his legs along his girlfriend's. Emerald grabbed (y/n)'s arms and lightly pull on them, forcing him slightly closer to her.

"...You do it because you're comfy?"

(y/n) rubbed his head farther into Emerald's hair while taking in her scent. A small "Mmm" was all the confirmation he would give his mint haired girlfriend. Emerald let out a small sigh before releasing (y/n)'s arms and resting her hands on top of his. 

"Does it bother you?" (y/n)'s muffled voice asked.

After a few silent seconds, Emerald changed her mind on the physical contact of their legs. "No..."


924 AF1 - Third Person POV

(y/n)'s dream faded away and his eyes slowly opened. His head felt groggy. It reminded him of the last time he spent a whole night doing body shots of an unnamed woman. His temples pounded deep into his skull and the cloudiness that spread in his mind felt all too familiar, but it had been a while since he experienced it. He hadn't woken up like this since Ruby had forced an abrupt stop to his hazardous drinking habits.

(y/n) shut his eyes, reacting to the horrible feeling in his head. It felt like his brain was drowned in paralyzers and impaled by steel rods. His hand rose to his head to press a palm against his temple. (y/n) rolled onto his side and slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. At first, he was confused by a metal box attached to the wall, but quickly realized it was his cabinet. He was back in his assigned room.

He peeked out of his window from the bed and narrowed his eyes at the small amount of light that shone between the room's exterior and the brick wall that stood just across the window. From the yellow tinge of the sun, he recognized it was starting to set. 

(y/n)'s hand continued to softly rub at his temple, slowly recollecting what had occurred not too long ago. Every motion felt sluggish and even a small act such as rubbing his temples caused extreme exhaustion in his arm. Letting his arm take a rest, he let it fall and hang off the edge of the bed. (y/n)'s eyes blankly stared at the wall across from him in confusion.

(y/n) slowly recalled past events. He was with Dr. Arc doing an assessment. Something about drugs and schizophrenia. A disagreement broke out. The office window. Green hair an-

His eyes shot open and his body jolted a bit from the bed.



(y/n)'s POV

I forced himself into an upright position on the bed as the realization struck. Though the effort to straighten myself up failed as the pain in my head brought me back down. I slowly rolled out of bed and placed my feet on the ground, but immediately fell onto my knees. I pressed a hand against my head to try to lighten the pounding sensation. My mind was completely fogged over, but little images of that event popped up every so often. Even with a clouded memory, I knew it had to be Emerald in the hallway. I could never forget that face. She even looked right at me, but something in her eyes was off.

Memories - An AU Emerald x M!Reader book (Multiverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now