Chapter 9

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924 AF1.1 - Emerald's POV

I leaned back into my seat and absentmindedly placed a hand on my head while reading one of the many documents in the boxes (y/n)'s friend had brought. Ever since the girl came, I've been spending hours searching through the drawings, stories, and notes trying to understand his musings. Everything contained in the cardboard boxes were his obsessions over documenting every detail, almost as if he was scared he'd forget if he didn't. Now, whatever his obsession is, it's now mine.

The notes were mostly consistent. The writing was rushed and messy. His ideas were disjointed and lacking a clear form, but I couldn't help but read them anyway. These documents showed the life (y/n) had lived this whole time. The man was haunted by the lack of my existence while I had no idea he suffered like this. I didn't even know about him until he showed up here in the hospital. It was surreal seeing what went through (y/n)'s head on a daily basis. There was never a day (y/n) didn't think about me. He craved his "imaginary friend" like it was his life essence and it clearly consumed his entire life.

Where the hell is she? I'm starting to feel like I really am fucked up in the head! Everyone. Literally, EVERYONE keeps telling me I'm crazy! They don't understand though. I've seen her. I've felt her skin on mine. I know too much about her for her to not be real! I know she hums to herself whenever no ones around. I know she loves to just sit at home and listen to droplets of rain hit the window. I know she always taps her index finger when she's thinkin-

I look down at my empty hand to see my index finger stopped mid-tap. I ball my hand into a fist to try and disperse any temptation to continue tapping. Every word on the paper was awfully accurate and there was never a moment I haven't felt uneasy.

I rub at my eyes and put down the paper. The clock on the wall read a few hours later than I expected. I've spent way too much time looking over the whole situation, but I couldn't help but stop reading. The whole thing, while unnerving, captured my interest. I've never heard or seen anything like this. It's never been documented or anything.

I glance back at the sheet of paper. The pain (y/n) had been feeling through the years was easy to pick up on through his scribbled words. So many of his writings revolved around the torment he'd been experiencing on a daily basis. Everyone around him thought he had gone insane and he started to believe it himself. He needed me in his life and yet he had no clear proof I was real or if I was just a figment of his imagination. He just couldn't let go. The idea of me drove him into depression and a lot of reckless action.

I recall an entry from earlier I read. (y/n) described in great detail how he planned on running away and entering the underground criminal world to seek me out. A desperate attempt to find the love that his past selves all experienced drove him to the limit. The entry was dated a week before he was admitted into the hospital. The note sat on the top of the pile next to a small note addressed to Ruby explaining his actions. At this point, (y/n) was relying on desperate measures. He was breaking inside.

My stomach churned at the idea of having that much power over someone I didn't even know until recently. As strong as (y/n) tried to come off, he was clearly worn down and on the brink of losing it under the surface and his writings confirmed that. The years of not knowing and having everyone around him questioning his sanity took a toll on him. It eroded his sanity and broke his resolve. All of it brought him to murder fifteen innocent lives in desperation. Knowing that, I was at a loss.

(y/n) has been hurting for so long I understood the hope he must be feeling right now after finding out he hadn't gone insane. Even if he never mentioned it, I felt the internalized pressure to live up to (y/n)'s expectations rising. I knew what he would want now. It was as clear as day.

Memories - An AU Emerald x M!Reader book (Multiverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now