Chapter 15

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924 AF1.1 - Emerald's POV

"Sustrai, what are you doing here? I thought you were off?" Miss. Arc sipped on her mug of coffee and leaned against the open doorway to my office.

"I am. I won't be here long. I just need to go over a few things with (y/n) about his on-sight therapy before the board discharges him."

"Mmm." Miss. Arc nodded. "About that..." I could hear the shift in tone in the tech's voice. "I know it's not my place, but are you sure he's ready to be discharged? He showed up here only a week ago."

I paused before taking off my jacket and slinging it on the back of my chair. "I know it seems fast, but..." I scratched the back of my neck, unsure of how to convince the tech without revealing everything that happened between me and my patient. "Trust in my judgement. I promise you it's what's best for him."

Miss. Arc furrowed her brow slightly, still worried about (y/n)'s sudden request. I had to admire the tech for her genuine concern for someone she barely knew.

"He'll be fine, Arc. A lot has happened since he first got here."

"It's just..." Miss. Arc paused, unsure about how to bring up the topic. "He thinks he knows you... loves you even..."

I bit her lip for a second. "Do you regret helping him get me as his doctor?"

"No... It's like..." The tech paused. "Maybe..." She admitted and avoided my eyes by staring into her mug of coffee. "I have faith in your abilities. It's just..." Arc sighed, "I just thought he'd be more responsive to you and now I wonder if it just fueled his delusions more. I've never seen a patient's mood turn around that quickly and I don't think he understands that those memories are all false... He's hopeful now, but he's gonna get hurt."

I simply nodded, understanding Arc's concern. I was in the same position not too long ago. Even before I knew (y/n)'s memories were real, I was sure I'd end up hurting (y/n) in the end because I couldn't be what he wanted me to be.

I couldn't fault Miss. Arc's instincts and I wanted more than anything to simply tell the tech that (y/n) was fine and that there was nothing wrong with him, but of course, I couldn't. If I starting telling people that (y/n) and I really knew each other through past lives, I'd be in this hospital for a different reason. No one would believe such a wild claim, and when the board finds out that a doctor's relationship crossed the line with a patient, I'd be labelled as unprofessional and a deviant who took advantage of a patient's delusions. "I wish I could tell you more, Arc, but just understand that a lot has changed."

"Yeah, I get it, Sustrai. Doctor-patient confidentiality." Arc sighed and brought her gaze up to meet mine. "Don't worry. I trust you."

I gave the woman a small smile, hoping it would help ease her concerns. "Speaking of (y/n), could you send him my way?"

"Yeah. I was actually headed that way anyway."

"Thanks." I gave Miss. Arc a feigned smile as she left and let a sigh escape as the woman rounded the corner. I didn't mind lying, but it felt wrong when it's directed at someone who had nothing but good intentions, but this situation called for discretion. There was no scenario where I could tell someone about the situation and come out on top. Even if someone were to believe me, (y/n) and I would end up being subjecting themselves to a life full of testing and scrutiny. The best I could hope for was to simply keep quiet and enjoy another life with (y/n). As strange and curious I was about the whole past lives phenomena, if there was a choice between knowing the truth and a quiet life with (y/n), there would be no competition. (y/n) and I found each other in every timeline, every reality, and every life. I knew what I would be missing and I wasn't ready to pass on another opportunity to experience it all again.

Memories - An AU Emerald x M!Reader book (Multiverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now