Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Jasper didn't say a word. I fought so hard to maintain the expression on my face. I was afraid that he'd ask me why I was asking him to run with me... Would I tell him about Justin's threats? But I was afraid of what he'd do...

I didn't want him to play hero.

Because all heroes die.

"Maggie," Dad called. I followed him to his study. "Last night, I saw you with that Ramirez kid."

I took a deep breath. "Yes..."

"What did he say to you?"

I looked at him. I knew I already told him about the situation, but a part of me was scared... What if sabihin niya kila Abuela? What if sa kanya naman magalit? We all knew what would happen if they get mad... I didn't want Dad to be at the receiving end of it.

"Nothing about me," I simply stated. I knew Justin. He wouldn't dare hurt me... at least not physically. As much as he loved to play with me, he wouldn't dare touch me. I knew that kahit gusto akong gamitin nila Abuela to get the Ramirez in their side, once something bad happens to me, it's game over for the Ramirez.

But that just heightened my anxiety.

Si Jasper.

He's the target, not me.

"Then what was the talk about?" Dad pressed.

I sat down. "Can I have a drink?" I asked when I saw the bottle of whiskey sitting on his table. I never liked drinking whiskey... It's too strong for me... but the situation I was in seemed like it was begging me to become alcoholic. I just wanted to drown my sorrow away.

Dad poured us a drink. We sat in silence as we downed our drinks. Once done, he just looked at me, like he's waiting for my answer.

"Justin... he threatened Jasper."

Dad's forehead creased. "Jasper?"

I nodded, biting my lower lip. I wasn't sure if Dad knew him... He's not always around. Mas madalas na he's abroad for work... But I knew that he'd like Jasper. At least, he'd like him for me. Jasper takes good care of me.

"Jasper Alexander Ybañez," I said.

Dad didn't say a word, his forehead just remained creased. I sighed. Buti na lang. I thought Abuela already ruined this moment for me! Alam ko na she knew about me and Jasper... and I thought she would blabber about us...

"He's... he's my bodyguard."

His brow arched. "Is that so?"

I nodded. "And I really like him, Dad..."

He didn't reply immediately. Dad poured himself another glass of whiskey as I sat there and told him about Jasper. I wanted him to know that Jasper's a good guy... The only reason why he got involved lang naman was because he tried to protect me from that perv!

"You really like him," he said.


"Your eyes. They sparkle while you were talking about him."

I frowned. "Really, Dad? My eyes sparkled? E, I was talking about how Justin beat him to pulp!"

"Yeah, that..." he said, and took another sip. "You said you talked to Maven about that?"

I nodded. "Yeah... He assured me naman that if worse comes to worst, he'd help me..." I answered. I trust him naman. I trust all of my cousins. Kami lang kasi nagkaka-sundo. I didn't know if it's generation gap, but seriously, the adults in the family? Sila iyong nagdadala ng problem palagi! Good thing my parents were the least problematic!

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