Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Kulang na lang talaga, itali ko 'yung sarili ko to stop myself from bouncing. Ewan ko ba. Jasper was just sitting beside me, pero iba na talaga 'yung feels! Hindi na kasi siya mukhang aattend ng funeral because I finally managed to convince him to wear casual. Though he's wearing a long sleeves that he folded—na hindi niya nga rin masyadong ma-fold kasi legit na ang laki ng arms niya. Nakakaloka lang talaga 'yang push-up routine niya.

Jasper kept on adjusting his shirt. Hindi siguro siya comfortable?

"Sure ka ba na wala kang pupuntahan today?" I asked. What I was doing was breaking my rule... kinda. Pero gusto ko rin kasi, maka-sigurado na wala talaga siyang girlfriend or anything close to that. Ayoko talaga na maging mang-aagaw. I never want to be that kind of girl.

"Yes, Ma'am," Jasper replied and then tried to button the upper one in his polo.

"Baka naman masakal ka niyan," I said.

"You should've just let me wear my uniform, Ma'am."

I frowned. E 'di hindi na date 'yun kapag naka-uniform siya? Kahit naman super feeler ko lang sa ginagawa ko, gusto ko comfortable si Jasper. I knew he's stepping out of his comfort zone by doing this favor for me. I, at least, wanted him to feel at ease.

"Here, let me help," I said, slightly biting my lips. I turned sideways and then unbuttoned the top button kasi mukha siyang nasasakal. I adjusted his collar, so that he could breathe freely. But my insides were slightly shaking because I could feel Jasper.

Gosh, ang gwapo talaga kahit ang seryoso ng mukha. If only I could touch his face without looking like a creep...

Akala ko babaling ng tingin si Jasper because I was really too near. Just a few more centimeters and something really good would happen inside this moving vehicle. But First Lieutenant didn't move; he freaking stared back at me!

Gosh, napalaban ako ng titigan!

Our eyes were both locked at each other while I was holding onto his collar like my dear life depended on it. I felt like I was holding my breath the entire time he was looking at me. He really just had that kind of effect on me.

He always made me breathless. Always.

"Ah... ayos na," I said after seconds that felt like eternity. It seemed like he didn't have any plans of breaking the stare. Naka-tingin lang siya sa akin na parang gusto niya na tunawin ako.

And me? I was very much willing. Grabe talaga ako magka-crush.

"Thanks," he said in his usual one-word replies. How I loved those rare moments when he speaks in volume. I love listening to his words... I love hearing his voice... There's really something about Jasper that made me feel safe. Kasi alam ko na hindi niya ako hahayaan na mapahamak.

'Except for your heart,' sabi nung epal na part ng brain ko.

But isn't everything in life a gamble? It's either you get it or you don't. I believe that if you really want something and you do nothing about it, you have no right to pout around if you don't get it. Kasi 'di ba you did nothing?

Kaya ito? Basta malaman ko lang na walang babae si Jasper, kahit parang stupid na ako, I'd cling on to this crush.

Nang makarating kami sa mall, bumaba na kami ni Jasper—not until he instructed the driver to stay in the vehicle and not wander around. He's super paranoid kasi na someone would plant a bomb sa car.

"Super paranoid mo talaga. I'm not even a de Marco. Feel ko dapat 'yung guards nila Maven and Addie 'yung may level of being paranoid mo," I told him while we were walking side by side papunta sa mall entrance. Kilig lang, kainis.

Come On, Make Me (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon