Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Thank you," I told Jasper when he handed me my tumbler. I just finished shooting a catalog that's out a few months from now. I was actually already booked for the next four months, and I couldn't be happier. But of course with great work comes great responsibility.

"Are you tired na?" I asked Jasper. We've been here at the studio for almost half-a-day already. My muscles were already sore from posing in front of the camera, and my jaw felt like locking from smiling na. But work's work. It's nice to make my own name outside of my family's influence.

"No," Jasper replied.

"Ako I'm tired na..." I whispered. "Tapos may party pa si Mama bukas. Gosh, if I don't love her, I'll probably rain check," I said and then wrapped my arms around Jasper's waist. Naka-upo kasi ako sa harap ng salamin while Jasper's standing beside me. Then, I felt him tousling the top of my head.

"You should rest," he said.

I closed my eyes because it felt too relaxing to have him touch my hair. This would never be not comfortable. "But I like working... but it's still also tiring," I said, my eyes still closed. I rested my head against Jasper's side.

Maybe we're too obvious? Or maybe we're just not really trying hard enough to hide that there's something between us already? Because whenever Jasper's inside my dressing room, I felt na they're giving us alone time.

Even Evan's being a bit nicer to me na.

"I'll bring you somewhere tomorrow," he said.

Biglang napadilat 'yung mata ko. "A date?"

"What is it with you and dates?" he asked, still gently brushing my hair with his fingers.

I tightened my arms around his waist, and then looked up at him. "I want you to take me out on dates because..." I said and then stood up. I was wearing heels, so we're finally face to face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled at my First Lieutenant. "It makes me feel that you're with me because you want to, and not because of work."

Jasper was intently looking me in the eye, when I felt him holding me by the side of my waist. "Siobhan—"

"Jasper," I cut him off. Kumunot na naman 'yung noo ni First Lieutenant. I chuckled. "I'm sorry. Go on."

"I want you enough for me to break my own rules."

"I know..."

He held my chin, and made me look at him. "But?" he asked.

I sighed. "Wala lang... I wished I was stronger... para masabi ko na sa family ko. Because you know? Hiding us sucks so bad."

Because I wanted to hold his hand in public.

Because I wanted to hug him randomly.

Because I wanted to kiss him out of the blue.

I was never territorial, but with him, I just wanted everyone to know that he's mine and I was his alone.

But instead of answering, Jasper held me inside his arms. And for some reasons, I was okay again...

* * *

The next day, I was so eager to finish the shot that I gave it my best. The photographer was so happy kasi sobrang aga naming natapos. I mean, it's a win-win situation for everyone! Maagang makaka-uwi 'yung prod team... plus, longer time for my date with Jasper!

"You know, this is basically an invasion of privacy," I said while waiting for Jasper to do something.

"Ma'am, trabaho lang, walang personalan," Kellan said, obviously enjoying the frown on my face.

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