Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I almost didn't want to go inside... after that threat the guy gave us. I held on to Jasper's sleeve, and looked him in the eye.

"I'll be fine," he said, as if he knew what was bothering me.

"Don't leave my sight, okay?" I asked, my heart still nervous. The guy didn't say anything exactly threatening... but I knew his kind. The rich boys—the brats. The one who couldn't afford to have their egos stepped on. And I was sure he's pissed at Jasper because of what happened last time. Who knew what he'd do just to avenge his freaking pride.

God. Why was he invited here?!

"Go," Jasper said, slightly nudging me. "Enjoy the party."

I looked at him, then turned to Evan. "Take care of him for me?" I asked. Despite all our differences, I was sure that we both agree on the same thing—keeping Jasper safe.

When Evan nodded, at saka lang ako pumasok sa loob. I kept on looking back, but Jasper also kept on giving me his reassuring look... like everything's going to be fine. But if it was, why was my whole system was telling me that something very wrong was about to happen?

Upon entering the ballroom, I immediately spotted my brothers and cousins in two round tables. I went to where Addie was.

"Hey," I greeted Santi, Aspen, and Maven, before I turned to Addie. I kissed Addie's cheek before sitting down next to her.

"You okay?" she asked.

I sighed. "No, not really," I admitted. There was no point in hiding anything from her, because she'd just know it. Besides, she's one of the people who knew about Jasper and I. And I badly needed someone to talk about it.

"You wanna talk?"

"The program—"

"You and I, we both hate parties," Addie cut me off. "Come on. Humor me. What's happening to you lately?" she asked.

I reached for the flute of champagne from one of the passing waiters. I downed it before I started talking. I began to tell Addie about my exact relation with Jasper now.

"Good for you," she said with a sincere smile. "You really like him?"

I nodded. "Yeah..." I said, sighing. "But that's why I'm so worried."

"Why? Is it about abuela?"

"Yeah, but that's not my problem right now," I admitted. "Kasi..." I said and then began to tell her about what happened last time with the congressman's son. I shuddered even with the thought of that guy touching me. If he only could discern yes from no, I wouldn't have this problem right now. I would be enjoying my Mom's party.

"And that's only what he got?! Your boyfriend should've destroyed his face!" Addie said, visibly furious. "You should've cut his hands! Seriously, I hate guys who don't understand the word no."

I flinched at her choice of words. Really, she's the calmest, yet the most violent person I know.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm worried because he threatened Jasper kanina... I mean, you and I both know his kind. Who knows what he can do to avenge his male pride, right?"

And I reached for another flute of champagne. God, I was so tensed. But even before I could finish my drink, Addie pulled me up with him.

"You know, instead of drinking yourself to death, let's just go check on your guy," Addie said, anchoring her arms with mine.

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