Chapter Three - A New Perspective

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The sky was now dark outside, a few stars appearing in the night sky just outside the creator's window. Now and again you could hear a laugh or playful scream followed by chatter of a small group of teens out late at night. However, this noise soon died down as time went on as all the monsters in this universe began heading home or into the bars scattered around here and there. A few lights came from the windows of different houses in the neighbourhood, a few houses were dark too as their inhabitants had gone to bed earlier than the current time. A small shop down the street had it's bright lights on, it would close in an hour or so, a few people were still shopping in there too to get things they may have forgotten earlier or just for a night time snack that they don't have at home. The workers in there must be miserable having to stay up this late at night and still be working since this morning, they probably had shifts but that's not really the point.

Ink looked up to the side, above his front door was a clock that read Half past Nine. Time seemed to be ticking by so slowly for the skeleton, he was excited and he wasn't so sure why. This would be like any other meeting with Error right? It'll probably end up with fighting so Ink didn't see why this time was any different from the last. As he thoughts, he curled up more on the couch he was sat on, just beside his window. He had a blanket around him to stay cozy and to be more relaxed about the whole situation. It was really starting to get to the creator and it infuriated him because he didn't know why.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of colourful lights with some catchy music littering the background of it. Fresh appeared in it's place as it faded away into slight fog and then into nothing. Ink had put his arm up and squeezed one eye shut to shield himself from the sudden disturbance of the flashy colours. He hadn't expected Fresh to turn up so early, he thought the parasite would show be popping up in another fifth-teen minuits or so to quickly drop him off. Maybe he was just as excited about it as Ink was, or maybe he lost track of time and decided to come whenever, just hoping that the parasite didn't make himself late.

Fresh walked over to Ink as the creator finally opened his eyes once more and put his arms down. He allowed the blankets to slip off from him as Fresh took a small seat next to him. A moment of awkward silent ensued before Fresh finally spoke up with a slight grin, his voice sounding mischievous. "So, Inky. Are ya ready for your date with the devil?" He did a small finger gun at him with one hand, his sunglasses reading 'YOLO' in all capital letters now instead of lowercase.

Ink sighed slightly. He stood up and took his beige scarf from the side, gently wrapping it around his neck to cover it up. "I suppose." He said with another sigh intertwined to his words. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Ink smiled at the parasite to try and look confident, but in his head he felt like curling up into a ball and doing this another night. Or maybe another week, month, year. Never sounds like a good option but he had to do this. He knew he had to. He bent down by the side of the couch and picked up his huge paintbrush, slotting it into the buckle on his back to keep it in place and in an easy place to reach to if he needs to grab it quickly at any point during tonight. As he quickly threw on his shoulder belt and put in his jars of paint, he thought about how tonight would go once more. Fresh just idly stood back and allowed the artist to do his thing, probably realising that he did indeed come earlier than wanted.

Once Ink had finally gotten himself ready, he turned back to Fresh and nodded before walking over to him. "I'm ready." He confirmed in the most clear voice he could. The parasite quickly took his hand and they were enveloped in a bright flash of light, on the inside it was a bright white and not colourful due to all the colours being mixed into one. It was quite the light show actually. After a few seconds, it all died down once more, which then faded to fog then faded to nothing. "Thanks for the help in getting here Fresh, I'll take it from here." Ink smiled at him reassuringly.

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