Chapter Twenty - Going into a Nightmare

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Error's POV

I sat closely next to Ink, all of us in a circle. Me, Ink, Dream, Blue, then Nightmare. In that order, sadly saying that Nightmare was sat by me. I know what he's doing, asshole. Carefully, I shuffled closer to Ink. I only let him touch me, I didn't trust Nightmare. Not anymore.

The game began, questions firing between people as they were too chicken to say dare. How typical.

I rolled my eyes, leaning against the artist boredly. I skipped my turn when it came around to me despite encouragement. I'd rather let them play instead of joining and having to be the center of attention. I hardly knew these people - apart from Nightmare of course. Plus Ink.

However, when I tried to skip once again they went on and on and on. They said things that I should do at least one and that I may enjoy it. Maybe of nightmare wasn't here I would of joined in.

"Come on Error." Ink laughed. His voice was like honey to me now. Was it always like that.

"No Ink." I droaned, "I'm not in the mood."

"Your never in the mood." He retorted. When I went to answer he said the same as everyone else, "just do this one! Then we'll leave you alone unless you wan a get involved again!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, eyes closed as I let out a glitched mumble of curse words. "Fine."

The group cheered loudly.

Blue pulled out a bottle of water, it was half empty. "Since Error hasn't been playing at all we should randomise who gets to dare him."

"So I have to be dared?" I rose a brow.

"No one else will." Nightmare grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and brushed him off.

Blue spun the bottle.

Of course, it landed on Nightmare.

My soul dropped in my chest. My eyes followed the neck of the bottle and landed to Nightmares legs and up to his chest then to the smug and intimidating grin plastered to him full of malicious intent.

"I want him to sit on my lap for the rest of this evening."

The circle of skeletons all ooh'ed, giggling and smiling.

"Unless your a pussy."

Oh, he's gonna get it.

I dropped down roughly onto his lap, not leaning against him however. I hunched forward as I stayed put.

Everyone seemed it as enough and continued the game. Ink, however, sat closer to nightmare then scooted up a bit to be next to me. I appreciated it.

Nightmare's hands found their way to my sides. I flinched, "don't fucking touch me." I threatened, "or else."

"it's part of the dare." He murmered to me lowly, placing his hands back on my sides a lot rougher. "So take it like a man, won't you? Or are you a pussy?"

I decided to grit my teeth and bare it but if it's too much I can always tell Ink. Maybe I'd be considered a pussy but who fucking cares?

I watched the game continue, and as promised, I was left alone.

Nightmare's arms wrapped around my waist more, his hands sat on my stomach or my lap. He leaned over me, his head just above my shoulder on the opposite side to Ink. It let him taunt me with words and threats to stay quiet and still.

The rounds continued going around the circle still, nightmare pulling my back against his chest.

Ink gave me a concerned look but I held my tongue and just glared. I didn't want sympathy I could deal with him myself. 

I tried to imagine it was Ink around me and not Nightmare, that it was his protective arms creating a safe place than his demon like ones creating insecurities.

"I have an idea." The demon whispered into my ear. I cringed away but I couldn't move far due to his grip. "When it's our turn next you'll accept the dare from me, understand?"

"Piss off." I whispered back to him. "I didn't want to play this in the first place, now look where it left me. I swear your worse than lust sometimes."

"Perhaps," he began, "but remember. You did use to belong to me. You used to love sitting like this, remember? Allowing me to talk to you in such a manner, ordering you around. After a hard day of slaughtering innocents your best part of the day was coming back to me, isn't that right pet?"

"You make me sick."

"I'm only repeating what you said to me so long ago." He ran a hand up and down my side, out of Ink's view. "What about... Do you remember what you would call me? Master, sir, boss, king." He listed off. "Do you remember?"

"I don't want to fucking hear it-" I was getting more and more pissed off.

"Are you two doing alright?" Blue tilted his head, looking over at them.

"Yes," Nightmare smirked, "error was telling me he wanted another date but got angry at the dare I gave him however."

"Ooh! What is it brother? What was your dare?"

"That he has to stay in the closet with me for ten minutes."

This caused Ink to grow wary. "He's..." He looked to Dream and Blue before continuing with a furrowed brow. "He's mine, Nightmare. "And I'm his. So I don't approve."

"It'll be nothing much. Call it ten minutes of hell. We both have to find away to creep the other out within those ten minutes. However, if you dare that person, the person dared has to be the victim. In this case Error is the victim and I'm the horror character. How about it?" Nightmare explained.

I was hating this more and more.

"Unless this glitchy thing is a chicken. Are you a chicken, Error?"

I began glitching. "No. I'm no fucking chicken. Let's get this over with." I stood up, my body tense.

Nightmare got up with me. "Ready?" He grinned.

"I said. Let's get this over with."

"Are you su-"

I cut Ink off.

"Yes," I snapped.

Ink only frowned and nodded.

I am no coward.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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