Chapter Four - Questions Answered

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"No." Error growled suddenly, keeping up his bratty act once more as he shook his head disapprovingly. Ink just gave him a confused look, unsure why he suddenly disapproved of his idea. "This isn't how it's supposed to be and you know it," he sighed slightly as he shook his head, "stop luring me into this stupid trap of yours." He crossed his arms, glaring off into the huge space before them as he looked away from him. "Like I would ever stop destroying." He rolled his eyes and smiled slightly, as if it was a joke - a smirk even - it wasn't a mean smile, however; more like, 'I listened but I'm sorry'. Like when you tell your crush you like them after so long of waiting to do so but they just want to stay friends with you once they have rejected you. They just kindly smile and hope you understand their choice as they lightly brush you to the side as if you were nothing. A sad truth that many people have came across in their lifetime, whether they like it or not, whether it was emotional or care free. Everyone has.

Ink had a disappointing and sad look on his face as he soon realised what was being said to him, his once happy smile soon fading to nothing because of what the destroyer had just suggested to the creator. He wanted to be his friend, not be pushed away and thrown to the side. The artist truly wished to get to know Error, find out what makes him laugh, see his true smile - not one filled with greed or hatred. He knew he could help Error if only he gave him the chance, gave him the chance to talk to him fully and see who was really behind those glitches. Ink wanted him to take notice of what he was doing - to try and help him, no matter what. He wanted to help him, he really did. However, that was hard to do so when the glitch always acts so stubborn.

"You need to understand that this wouldn't work." He began once more onto one of his tangents. "What if we had a falling out?" Error looked back at Ink with a face of question. "What if we had a bad fight?" He asked with a now serious look. "What if I get angry..." He continued on," and mess everything up like I always do." He looked back down to his lap, getting into his mini rant. "And what if it can't be fixed?" The glitch clenched his fists, beginning to glitch a little more than just a moment ago. "Or if I make a friend - a close friend - and I hurt them then- then they hate me and I end up hurting everyone!" He held his hands onto his head, worked up and stressed. "Just like always!" He waited a moment before trying to continue talking, "what if- what if-" The glitch began talking faster and faster, coming up with all sorts of scenarios that could happen, not one being a good one.

"Deep breaths, Error." Ink spoke up, cutting him off. He kept a level voice, the opposite of what he was currently thinking. "You need to calm down." Error nodded slightly, not looking him in the eye. The glitch didn't look at him at all actually. He took a few moments as he focused on his breathing and allowed his glitches to settle on him once more to finally calm himself down.

"So, I have to be honest with you in case something like this does happen." With a serious voice, Error finally continued talking, not giving Ink a chance to say his turn and voice his opinion on the matter. "I hate you, and that's how it has to be. Forever. Got it?" The destroyer didn't look back at the artist, instead he just got up and left, leaving Ink to his own thoughts.

Ink's heart dropped. He thought he finally cracked him. Finally broke into his hard shell and was finally talking to who he had hidden away. Finally got somewhere with him that could of saved thousands, millions even. He had, however, failed his task. He wanted to cry, but then he remembered. This was only act one of many more to come. He'll bring him around, you don't become good friends with someone on the first day, you take the time to get to know them and that was what Ink was going to do.

First, however, he had to figure Error out. Find his likes and dislikes, see where he came from, see what's made the poor guy so broken. He was determined to do this. To help him, no matter what it took.

A Glitched Soul [ErrorXInk]Where stories live. Discover now