Chapter Twelve - Reconcile

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No answer.

"Error!" He spoke up.

The glitch continued to ignore the creator. It had been about two hours since their small argument. 

Ink had decided to give him some time to calm down, knowing he needed time away. Everyone needed time every once and a while. The creator walked closer, seeing him take his glasses off and fold them back up. Then, Error slipped them into his jacket's pocket.

"Can I come over?" The creator asked softly, giving him time still. Her didn't want to rush a thing when it came to the glitch just in front of him.

Error just nodded, patting to the left of him.

Ink smiled and walked over, sitting next to him. "The stars are pretty today," Ink began. He got a shrug in return. "Don't you agree?"

"I suppose."

An answer, Ink classed it as a small victory. He had to start a small conversation at least to win, however. He had to talk to Error about the fight they recently had, wanting to put it behind them and forget about it. It was just a small fight, everyone has them and everyone is able to fix them. They should be able to fix them too.

"Can I hold your hand?" Ink asked softly, wanting permission first. Over the few days they have been with each over, Ink no longer needed to ask. However, because of the fight, Ink didn't know where the two stood right now. He didn't want to invade any personal space. Ink didn't want to lose the trust he had worked so hard to gain.

The glitch shrugged, "I guess," he mumbled it out but it was another answer. Another reply Ink could be proud of getting from the quiet thing.

"I've been thinking a lot." Error began. "Imagine what could be happening right now. Whilst we're not out there, in the different universes." His voice was quiet but full of glitch per usual.

"I know." Ink nodded in agreement, "but right now we are here. Together." Ink said firmer, looking at the glitch with a determined look to him. He wasn't taking no for an answer, not letting Error get out of this with any excuse. Not letting him get away with what he's done just like that. He did have a point but Ink had backup over the universe. They, of course, had no idea Ink and Error were together currently. Ink will tell them when he's ready to. When Error's ready to speak to them.

The glitch rolled his eyes. "I do more good than you know when out and about, you know?" He spoke as if it were obvious.

"Such as?"

"Well, I stopped those monsters didn't I?" Error pointed out. "Without me the whole stage would of been trashed and ruined."

Ink nodded, "I suppose. If you weren't there, those bandits would of ruined Showtale's greatest show." Ink smiled at him before getting a curious look. "What was you doing there anyway? I never thought you would be the one to go to a crowded place like that."

"I was just passing."

"You could of watched and did nothing. Yet, you didn't." Ink rightfully pointed out, not letting it slide. The more he found out about him the better. He wanted to know what motives he gets for doing the things he does, what goes through his head. He wouldn't get that much detail in a reply but you never know until you do.

Error scoffed, "I was trying to watch the show." He rolled his eyes a bit, "it's called showtale for a reason, ya know? It has shows in it. I thought you were smarter than this." The insult didn't effect Ink much who just smiled at him.

"You think I'm smart?"

"Shut up."

Ink then lit up a bit, "and you were trying to watch the show?" He asked. Error gave him an odd look before Ink added on, "when the star is Mettaton?"

"I'm allowed to like things!" Error blushed a slight tint of yellow, looking away from the ink splattered artist.

"I never said you couldn't." Ink giggled at his flustered look. "I'm a fan of that universe too, it's exciting!" He exclaimed, his eyes turning to stars for a moment before flickering back to his normal eye lights.

"Of course you would be."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Error just rolled his eyes in amusement, seeming happier now that they've been able to talk. They didn't talk about the argument that the two had, that's what Error liked. There was no reason for that argument to even be a thing, he wouldn't of had an answer if the creator had decided to ask him, which he didn't.

As the two continued to talk, their hands finally met, linking with each over. Error found comfort in the small gesture. He found comfort within something he hated, or supposedly hated like he found happiness with someone he hated or supposedly hated. How odd he would think in these situations before forgetting the thought and focusing on the ranting creator before him.

He couldn't seem to get enough of him, actually. The way he smiled, his voice, the way his eyes would light up when talking about something he liked. He could listen to the artist for hours and never get bored, yet he would never be able to say such a thing to him. It just wasn't like Error to do that and he didn't want the attention, the words, he didn't want to hear about it one bit. It would make him embarrassed so he said nothing on the matter. Not a peep.

Ink on the other hand did not mind the silence from the one opposite him. Over time they had turned to face each over more and more. Ink was more than happy to share what he had to say knowing Error was listening to him. Listening fondly towards him, that was what Ink picked up the time they spent talking. The look in Error's eyes when Ink would smile or laugh. His posture would straighten slightly more and his eyes would hold wonder and thought. He even caught a glimpse of a smile from the glitch every now and again.

Ink loved his smile. The way he would act nervous and quickly hide it, the stutter when he did just that. Maybe Error did that intentionally, maybe not. Ink wouldn't ask, as much as he wanted to see him blush from it. He didn't want to make the glitch uncomfortable.

By the end of the day, Ink was leaning against the taller as they stared at the cosmos beyond the night sky. Such a beautiful sight.

"How do you feel?" Ink asked softly. Quietly. He didn't want to ruin the mood that had been created.


"Me too." Ink nodded. "Me too."

Heya, my beans! Sorry for the wait! Hopefully, it will take me less time to get the next chapter out. The starting on my end is a bit slow, i'm trying to get to the juicy chapters, haha!

There's nothing really going on in these ones, just some character development and an insight into how they feel.

There might be another chapter tomorrow, it's the weekend, who knows?

Well, see ya later my beans!

A Glitched Soul [ErrorXInk]Where stories live. Discover now