Chapter Eleven - Banter

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It had been a few days since the incident. Not much has happened since.

Error has been reluctant to speak of it and Ink just wanted his attention, never gaining any whatsoever.

All in all, Error just seemed really grumpy and the creator wasn't too sure why. There had to be a reason, there always was.

He was sure it wasn't from the incident. Error had wanted to stayed cuddled up to him all morning afterwards, he slept like a pig in a blanket afterwards.

Today, however, he was determined to find the reason Error has been so irritable recently. He had to.

He was determined to.

"Error!" Ink called out. No one answered. "Error!" Ink called again but to no prevail.

Ink wandered around the house, eventually finding Error in the fridge, snacking on whatever he could find. "Your boredom eating again?" Ink sighed, looking at the glitch with disappointment.

"So what?" 

"You can't just sit around and be a slob all day!"

"Watch me." And with that, Error walked off with his snacks back up the guest bedroom I set up for him. He spends a lot of time up there on his own, I sometimes ponder about what he does up there.

'Probably stuffing his face with my cereal.'

Honestly, how annoying.

"Error, get back here right now!" Ink interrupted him as he got half way up the stairs. "We need to talk. It's important."

Just yesterday Ink got rid of his cuffs. He really didn't seem like he was actually going to be going anywhere, and he did make a point.

He is still a killing machine and a pair of handcuffs can't stop him.

'What the hell was I thinking?'

"No!" He yelled back at the artist in defiance.


Error just repeated himself before continuing to walk up the stairs.

Ink ran up after him, causing the glitch to run for it. The chase was on. Error ran down the hall, Ink close behind him until the artist tackled him down to the floor - snacks flying everywhere.

"Now look what you've done!" Error yelled at him, pointing at the mess all over the floor. "Can't you just mind your own business for once?"

"Not when your acting all-" he couldn't find the word, "weird!"

"I'm not acting weird. "

"Yes you are!" Ink was getting fed up, struggling to hide it.

"Just leave me alone, Ink. I'm not in the mood."

"What, are you on your period or something? " Ink yelled at him.

"Oh, that's just typical." Error rolled his eyes. "I need to get out of this house for a bit, don't follow me." He growled out, turning away from him.

"No, wait, I didn't mean it!"

"Save your breath." Error walked away, glitching a hole into the universe to leave.




Ink paced around once more in his home, thinking about what had happened. He had to come up with a solution to this problem quickly otherwise his plan will fall to shambles. If Error decides to leave - permanently - universes may start being destroyed again and things would go back to how they used to be. Broken, ran on fear. Gone.

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