Chapter Nine - Astraphobia

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The weather seemed to be taking a turn for the worst just outside the house. The skies were slowly darkening, no more sunlight to shine upon the town the creator lived in. There was no more bright colours, just a dull and moody grey. Dark blues, greys and blacks washed over the area in a splatter of cold and musk. The cool wind began picking up, now being able to hear it scream and shout throughout the empty streets of the usually happy neighbourhood. The trees swayed and rustled in the wind, swaying and attacking each over in their wrath from the now angered wind.

There was a storm approaching quickly.

The glitch was sat on the couch, unaware of the storm that was currently brewing just outside. Of course he could hear the wind, which was an indication for what was to happen, he just ignored it and continued with his day. He sat on the couch which had the window just behind, all wrapped up in a comfortable blanket with a book. He had his red glasses on as he flipped through page after page, enjoying the story. He still had his cuffs however, but the book helped him to escape from his current situation and take his mind off things for a bit.

Ink was moving around the house, cleaning up the already spotless rooms. He didn't say much once he reached the living room, the room Error was currently residing in. 

"Heard there was a storm approaching." The creator commented. 

"Like I care about that."

"Are you going to be okay?" Ink asked, trying to hold the conversation. Since Error had gotten here about two days ago they hadn't spoke much. Just occasional mutters from Error who tried to ignore the creator. "I know you dislike storms." Ink put what he was holding down to the side onto a small table top by the door. 

The glitch shook his head as he quickly dismissed the subject, "I'm trying to read a book here." He growled, gesturing the book he was holding at the creator. 

"What are you reading?" 

Error glanced away from him as Ink sat next to him. "The only books you have around here. Do you only enjoy reading on history? You know every universe is the same right, I don't see the point in having so many." Error looked back down at the book he was reading, the page he was on had a few pictures of murals and carvings on walls which had been corroded over time. 

"Actually, it's quite the opposite!" Ink exclaimed as he shuffled closer to the glitch. Error backed off ever so slightly before getting comfortable by his opposite. Ink took the book so it was over both of their laps. "Yes, the universes do work on the same structure, but what you think of them is wrong. At least, I see them as their own individuals." Ink began explaining as he turned the page over. "As you can see, the book is a history book from OceanTale." He pointed to a picture of a secret chest that had been found off the coast of Snowdin and was now in a museum. The picture had a before and after, when it was stuck in sand and waterlogged and after it had been found and put on a display stand in the museum somewhere in New Home. "This chest isn't in any other universe, it's especially made for the purpose of OceanTale." He then pointed to the picture on the page over. "And here's a shipwreck, it shares the same structure as PirateTale yet this one's underwater, which leaves behind a different history of its origins." Ink began really getting into what he was talking about, he seemed to have a real passion for the subject. "Oh, such as different stories and what may have happened to the ship, such as storms or mishaps on the boats. There's also the history of the crew and the captain, such as what they were like. That sort of stuff is found in diaries and logs found inside of them." Error nodded along.

"I think I get the point, your starting to rant."

"Sorry, but I just need to get my point across to you Error, not all universe are the same, I really need you to realise that." Ink held his hand again, not giving in to the grump sat next to him. "They aren't all exactly the same, they aren't all in a constant loop. Some are horrible, yes but you must agree that some are absolutely breath taking." 

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