Chapter Eighteen - Relax

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Error's pov

I swear I've been glitching out more these past few days. Here and there my hand would spasm and I'd drop something or I would have to sit quietly and let my eyes clear up to return lost sight. It's getting rather tedious if you ask me.

I know the reason why but I can't exactly do anything about it. I'm breaking code. I need to destroy something, hurt someone. Yet, I cannot. If I did that me and Ink would no longer be together. I'm somewhat trying in the relationship. I am new to this all after all.

I continue to struggle washing the dishes, getting annoyed as I try to get all the dough off the bowl. We had been baking cookies just for the hell of it. However, I do admit it was fun to do together. Ink was in the other room doing whatever he was up to as the cookies were in the oven.

My grip on the plastic bowl was getting tighter and tighter and my body got more and more tense. There was a piece of dough stuck in this nook at the bottom causing me so much frustration. As my grip tightened more and more strain was being out upon the bowl in my merciless grasp. With one quiet sound a crack split from the top to nearly the bottom of the bowl from where my hand was holding it. A larger split formed by my fingers causing a gap that could easily tear open further if I wasn't careful. Yet my body nor my mind seemed to care in the heat of the moment. I gripped it tightly with both hands, ripping the bowl with crack after crack. The sound of it was drowned out by the rushing got water from the tap and the humming oven behind me.

When all was said and done, all I had was a pile of wet plastic scattered in the sink. My vision has once again been drowned out by errors and my hands gripped the sink tightly and full of tension. I wanted to do more. I wanted to destroy the whole kitchen, the whole house. Maybe even the whole universe head in. Yet I had to hold myself back for Ink's sake. I could feel my soul racing from adrenaline but something else was too lurking underneath. Guilt. I'll buy him a better bowl. Hell, I'll make him one.

I need to relax before I approach Ink about this.

I created a portal and walked out into Outertale, trying to close the portal as quietly as possible behind me as to not alert Ink. That would only make this whole situation a lot more worse.

I walked up the cliffside before dropping down on the edge, swinging my legs over the side. I then pulled out my glasses and pushed them on, pushing the bits of haystack on the side to hold them in place. Admiring the stars, I let off a sigh of relief, glad to be free from the tension.

It's not that I dislike Ink's company, it's just a bit overwhelming at times. Say I'm like Nightmare but too much positivity can be a bad thing sometimes. You need time to let your other emotions out. It's not healthy to suppress, I've had to learn that the hard way a long time ago when I still worked for Nightmare.

I pulled string from my fingers, doing some finger knitting to keep my hands occupied for a bit.

I continued to think about different things as my mind wandered.

I left the broken bowl on the floor.

I tensed up, my once relaxed mind running a hundred miles per hour.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I accidentally snappers thread I had and it disappeared into the air, lost to never be seen again.

Oh god, the hell am I going to do? If he sees that and also finds me fine he's going to freak out! What if he thinks I'm out destroying or killing or, or-

Cutting me out of my glitched panic, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me shoulders from behind. I froze up. Who was touching me?

"Shh," I heard being whispered into my ear. "Its alright."

I relaxed as I recognised the voice. "That was quick," I laughed nervously.

"A lover always knows." Ink pulled me into a tight embrace from behind to which I subconsciously leaned into.

Then I felt him kiss the side of my neck softly. I tensed up only to feel another and to have Ink shush me again and to relax. That he'll take care of me. There's nothing to fear.

Heya my beans!

Another bad chapter I'm afraid. Uhm. Yeah.
Anyway, I will try update more.
Maybe add a smut or two in between.
Who knows?


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