Chapter Fourteen - Knives

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I have not missed a chapter, I'm just very scared of the number so I refuse to have a chapter labelled it.




It was quiet, just like the glitch liked it. Only being able to hear the birds chirping, the light breeze flowing by the semi-open doors. The only other person was the monster behind the counter just sweeping and humming. 

It was a Saturday morning. He had gotten up quite early, six thirty. Error wanted a good start to the day, today. He did this by going down to the corner shop that opened at about this time. He didn't want to come here when he knew there would be shoppers out and about, he would feel too uncomfortable to be here by himself. To be here without Ink. 

This was mainly due to the fact that a lot of the monsters around this small town were quite scared of the glitch. I mean, he has killed hundred of thousands, destroyed worlds and harmed many close friends to Ink, they did have a reason to be afraid of him. Everyone had a personal reason to hate him, to fear him. However, the glitch didn't blame them, not a single person. How could he after all the trouble he has caused in the past. He hadn't the right.

Error continued looking at the shelf, just browsing all the different nick knacks around. His eyes were tired looking, he'd probably end up going back to bed once he got back home. The glitch wouldn't do this often, he didn't like being out in public and hated having to get up so early just to avoid people. However, the shopkeeper didn't seem to mind him, they had a small conversation of "hi, how are you" when he had entered. He could get used to that when he did visit the shop. A small conversation with someone other than the pesky artist. Pesky in his opinion, anyway.

A murmured whisper came from the front of the store as someone else came in. Error just ignored them, not bothered by them. If they never bothered him he would do the same. However, out of curiosity, the glitch glanced over towards them. 

There, at the counter, stood a figure with a blue hoodie. It seemed thin looking and was stained a faint red here and there. He wore grey joggers, an object being visible from the pocket. On his feet he had black trainers on. They were tattered but good enough to wear.

Error quickly moved to the next isle after picking up a random object. He needed to act casual.

He began to glitch up, not wanting to be in the same room as the figure who had just walked into the store. He had to get out.

The glitch continued to browse the store's shelf, trying to think of as plan. Or maybe hope he would quickly leave and Error would never have to see his stupid expression ever again. That would be a nice outcome to this situation. 

However, another nice outcome to this situation would be killing the creature talking to the shopkeeper. Error could easily rip his head off and be done with it, or throw him in a lake of crocodiles. He could also stab him in the back and just watch him bleed out or rip off his limbs to feed to the wolves. The glitch grinned as he thought about all the murderous ways to off the monster just beyond the isle he was in.

However, he couldn't just kill someone in the middle of the shop. He was trying to prove he wasn't some killer, for whatever reason that was.

"You know what reason, Error." One of the askers spoke to him in a suggestive tone of voice.

Error shook his head, "not now!" He whisper yelled.

"Or what?" Another snickered.

"Or I'll kill you, that's what!" Error growled quietly in frustration, getting quickly annoyed by the current askers speaking to him right now.

A Glitched Soul [ErrorXInk]Where stories live. Discover now