Chapter Ten - Midnight Talk

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Warning, this chapter will contain a slight sexual//arousing scene with it. It's not much but some people like to be warned before hand. There will be no full on smut in this chapter, just a tad, haha. Thought ya'll like to know, I'll put a dash for ya that don't want to read. (---) It will be in bold.




I was running.

Running so fast.

Running so far.

However, so fast and so far was never fast nor far enough.

It always got me, not matter what I did, how fast I ran, how far I went. No matter where I hid or who I asked for help. If I fought or if I spared.

It always got me in the end.

So I just kept running. Running from it, him, them.


I felt my soul beating frantically in my chest, adrenaline running through me. My heart was like a jack rabbit, constantly pounding. I swore it would end up breaking my ribs from how fast it was going.

My breathing was also jagged, sharp and quick. It matched my racing beat, my steps, my thoughts. 

Then I felt it, it was all over me, suffocating me.

I couldn't escape it.

It consumed me.




Error woke up quickly as a flash of lightening flashed right outside the window. He jumped, completely startled. His soul ponded in his chest as he calmed himself down. He let his feet slide off the sofa and land on the soft carpet below him, hearing the rain come down just behind him. It seemed there was a worse storm than originally thought tonight.

He looked over to see Ink in the exact same position as him, hunched over, feet on the floor. He had dark circles around his eyes. 

'Did he not sleep?'

"Ink?" Error spoke up, his voice housing no glitches. He was to tired for it.

Ink looked up at him, seeming startled. He didn't see Error wake up, he was lost in thought for who knows how long.

Had Error seen him stare quietly at nothing? For how long? These were questions Ink sadly will never know the answer to.

"I struggle to sleep sometimes," Ink began explaining, "too many ideas in my head, too many thoughts." He laughed nervously.

"I know how that feels."

"How come your awake?" Ink asked.

"The lightening." The glitch hugged his stomach, curling up on himself. Error held his knees into his chest, resting his chin upon them as he closed his eyes tiredly. Ink scooted up next to him and leaned on his side.

Error leaned back, causing Ink to change position and lay onto his back. The creator pulled the glitch with him so he was laying on top of his chest. Ink wasn't that much smaller, he was definitely thinner and a bit shorter but not too much. 

The destroyer didn't mind this position or the close contact for some odd reason. Usually he would of freaked out and hit him. However, he was comfortable. He curled up slightly, fiddling with the navy cuffs on his wrists.

A Glitched Soul [ErrorXInk]Where stories live. Discover now