Chapter 10

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(Newt P.O.V)

Terrified. That's how he felt. It was the day Newt was supposed to meet Grindelwald, and besides that issue, Tina never came back to her apartment after going to MACUSA for the emergency lockdown yesterday. He was worried about her, especially after what Queenie said. Her voice rang in his head, saying "I'm afraid... she could be in danger." Over and over again it played, deepening his worry. He didn't want to think about it, that Queenie could be right, but the thought just came back to him every time. He tried to make up excuses, that she was forced to stay at MACUSA headquarters for some reason, or she just got caught up with work... but, then again, why wouldn't she send a letter to let Newt and Queenie know she was alright?

Newt glanced at the clock. 11:30 P.M. Thirty minutes. He had been thinking of all the pros and cons of if he did or didn't go to meet Grindelwald. If he didn't, he'd be putting himself and all his friends in danger, but on the other hand, he'd be able to keep his case. Well, until Grindelwald came after it himself. If he did go, he would probably lose his case, but he would keep his friends safe and he thought that he might be able to find Tina. And finding Tina sounded good to Newt right now, he just wanted to make sure she was okay, and not in a secret base of Grindelwald's.

So, he chose to go.

He got up and gathered what he needed, his peacock-blue coat, his case, and his wand. Newt was grateful that he could walk again, all thanks to Queenie, and that his wound from the Zouwu was nearly completely healed. Newt felt that there was no time to talk to Queenie, she would probably argue with him anyways with his decision on meeting Grindelwald. He wrote a note saying,

I have gone to meet Grindelwald. Please don't follow me. He said he wanted to meet alone. I was thinking I may be able to find Tina, and I want to avoid putting all of you in danger, even if it means I have to put my creatures and my self at risk.

When Newt finished the note, he set it on the neatly made bed, then glanced at the clock again. 11:56 P.M. This is it. He thought, before apparating to a bridge in Central Park.

There was about an inch of snow on the ground, and Newt could see his breath in the air. There was a frozen pond under the bridge Newt stood on, the very same one he and Jacob had caught the Erumpent on. Now that he thought of it, it occurred to him that Grindelwald never specified where exactly to meet him in Central Park. So Newt set off in a random direction, following the brick pathway as he went. There were no muggles in sight, so he drew his wand and held it tightly in his hand as he ventured forth. But as he continued, there was no sign of magic, no sign of a witch or wizard in the area. He turned around in a circle, trying to find any clues, but found nothing. He was disappointed, he was hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would find Tina including with Grindelwald.

Just as Newt heard a clock strike 12, he suddenly felt something grab both of his shoulders from behind and felt the familiar yank of apparation. Newt landed, his feet on the floor, facing a hole in the rock, an opening of a cave. He could see the night sky, and it was a very dark area, and from what Newt could tell the cave was being lit up by many wands with their distinct blue light. The mysterious hands were gone, and Newt saw from the corner of his eye a dark figure move over to the side.

"So glad you're here now, Scamander. I was beginning to think you lost your way." Newt slowly turned to see the sneering face of Grindelwald, whom with him was- Tina!? She was stuck in his hold, with his wand pointed at her neck in a threatening way. Newt quickly whipped his wand up and pointed it at Grindelwald and yelled, "Let her go!" As he lifted his wand, the many followers lining the walls lifted their wands too, all of them pointing at Newt. He was outnumbered. But he didn't care. He was determined to get Tina back from Grindelwald, no matter what.

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